
On 6/13/2016 9:23 AM, John Beaulaurier -X (jbeaulau - ADVANCED NETWORK
INFORMATION INC at Cisco) wrote:
> Hello,
> We are running Apache 2.0.63. developer required and this is for use
> behind the firewall, with PHP 5.1.5. We are now running into the
> FATAL:  "emalloc():  Unable to allocate 35 bytes". Googling I have
> seen post regarding MPM thread count configurations re this issue,
> but we are no running that module.
> I have performed the following with no resolution.
> httpd.conf Added RLimitMEM directive and set to "max"
> php.ini Doubled memory_limit to 512MB Increased upload_max_filesize
> to 256M Increased post_max_size to257M
> Host Updated limits.conf file with the following for root and user
> httpd child processes are running as soft    nproc   131072 hard
> nproc   131072 soft    nofile  131072 hard    nofile  131072
> Any other Apache configurations I can try?
> Regards -John

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. . . just my two cents

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  • ... John Beaulaurier -X (jbeaulau - ADVANCED NETWORK INFORMATION INC at Cisco)
    • ... Mark Eggers

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