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On 6/14/16 1:37 PM, paul.greene.va wrote:
> The update worked perfectly - took about 20 minutes, but mostly
> because I was being hyper-cautious.
> I suspected it was an easy upgrade for someone familiar with the 
> product; I got thrown into it in a mad rush, no experience with
> either product (service manager or tomcat), and told to "get it
> done yesterday".
> Thanks for all your help.  :-)

Welcome to the community.

The first time is the scariest. I waited years before upgrading from
4.x to 5.5, 6.0, 7.0 and we only *just* performed our first production
roll-out to Tomcat 8 last month.

Once you've done it once or twice, you can be confident in what you
are doing. Let me re-phrase that: once you've broken it horribly once
or twice and worked your way through it, you *will* be reasonably
confident in what you are doing.

- -chris

> On 6/12/2016 4:28 PM, Daniel Savard wrote:
>> Paul, you do not upgrade Tomcat code, you install a second
>> instance of Tomcat or you delete the existing Tomcat and install
>> the new version.
>> Service Manager is pretty straight forward to install. Here are
>> the setups:
>> 1) Install Tomcat 7.0.69 2) Configure conf/server.xml (TLS/SSL
>> stuff, Connector, etc) 3) Start Tomcat 4) Drop the war file in
>> webapps 5) Edit webapps/sm/WEB-INF/web.xml to reflect your
>> installation (SM server, etc) after the war has been installed
>> into its directory
>> You are done. Check in logs/catalina.out for error messages.
>> There is variants in the installation. This one seems to me the 
>> simplest on given you are telling us the war file is actually in
>> the webapps folder.
>> I am a bit surprised you were told to upgrade to Tomcat 7.0.69,
>> which version of SM are you running on the server? We still have
>> SM running with Java 6 and Tomcat 6.0.24 in production with SM
>> 9.34. We are upgrading to SM 9.41, Tomcat 8 and Java 8. So far,
>> SM is running smoothly in all our environments. Usually HP
>> support whatever version of Tomcat you have, provided it meets
>> the minimum requirements or unless a specific bug exists in your
>> Tomcat version.
>> Regards, ----------------- Daniel Savard
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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