These are the versions of software I have to use.  I cannot install other 

Apache 2.2.15

mod_jk  1.2.41

Tomcat 8.0.36


We are looking at having a domain where all content will get routed to Tomcat 8 
except for three directories that contain static content.  These three 
directories will be served up by Apache.  Based on the above versions how can I 
tell Apache to handle just these three directories and then send all other 
content requests to Tomcat?

Example Apache configuration.  This is obviously made up.  It is just for the 
sake of providing a visual starting point:

<VirtualHost *:80>


      DocumentRoot /www/testxxx/htdocs

      <Directory "/home/othercontent1">

          Options Indexes MultiViews

          AllowOverride None

          Order allow,deny

          Allow from all


      <Directory "/home/othercontent2">

          Options Indexes MultiViews

          AllowOverride None

          Order allow,deny

          Allow from all


      <Directory "/home/othercontent3">

          Options Indexes MultiViews

          AllowOverride None

          Order allow,deny

          Allow from all


      JkMount /* mytomcatapplication


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