
On 6/24/2016 9:07 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Mark,
> On 6/21/16 3:46 PM, Mark Eggers wrote:
>> On 6/21/2016 11:03 AM, Miller, Gerald wrote:
>>> I'm seeing errors from attempts to append uncorrected paths
>>> (e.g., C:\out\) and corrected ones (e.g., ~/out/) onto some
>>> arbitrary path.
>>> [snip]
>> [snip]
>> keystoreFile="${user.home}/Apache/apache-tomcat-8.0.36/conf/keystore.j
> ks"
> One
> of the problems is that "~", while often used to mean "the current
> user's home directory" is really only a CLI shell concept. Mark's use
> of ${user.home} id correct, here, and should always be fully-qualified.
> I think this is the core of the problem.
> -chris


The path needs to be absolute rather than relative. I don't know where
relative paths start from (should read the documentation or experiment
to find out).

As you noted, tildes are a shell concept. I don't know which shells
(most likely all tcsh, sh, bash, csh shells at this point but certainly
not Windows).

Using shortcuts (even if they worked) would certainly make the
configuration file non-portable between systems.

I was going to let the original poster read the docs and the example I
gave to figure out the details. Starting a question with a rant even if
you are frustrated doesn't engender volunteer help . . . :-)

. . . just my two cents

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