Dear Developers,

I have an elaborate issue migrating from Tomcat 6.0.41 to 8.0.36 (currently 
using java 8.0.66 on Gentoo Linux, but this is not of importance I think): It 
is related to the build-in manager application used as a jmxproxy. And to 
initialization of the Spring framework during an application lifecycle. But in 
core, I think it's not related to the manager app and it's proxy feature 
itself. But to some MBean or lifecycle implementation details.

First of all: In principle, all works well. If i start the tomcat from the 
scratch, all applications will proper initialize and work as expected. If I 
restart any application by different triggers (manager, touching the WAR or a 
sensitive file inside the docroot and so on), it will be undeployed and 
deployied again - all as usual.

But if there is a certain request to some MBean while the App is starting, 
there will be a request to the application (via catalina-exec). And then, as a 
race condition, the initialization of the Spring framework, esp. the bean 
wiring will fail with lots of exceptions because this is not thread-safe.

If this additional (failing) request is processed fast enough, the application 
will be usable due to initialization via the normal servlet lifecycle request. 
But if it's as a race condition in the other way round, the application will be 
not usable afterwards.

The point now is: This requests to the MBeans are done requently (ever 10s) by 
our monitoring system. And about 90% of the automatic deployments done by the 
CI system now will fail by this race condition in spite of the deployed apps 
are well-done. Without any modification, the same application is able to start 
by chance of no concurrent request to the MBean or (of course) by disabling the 
Monitoring or factical preventing it's request also by a restart of the whole 
tomcat, because the connectors are disabled until all apps are up as you'll 

This never happens with tomcat 6 used for many years. Therefore, there must be 
some regression with an MBean that will allow to route a request to a 
not-fully-started application. I happens with all our well-established 
applications which use the Spring framework -- regardess if deployed via the CI 
because of normal, slightly modification or even with unchanged versions 
running in production on Tomcat6. I can't give information about the behavior 
on Tomcat7.

I think I was able to narrow it down to a specific MBean readout: If I send the 
request ".../manager/jmxproxy?qry=Catalina:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=*,*" 
before the Deployer logs "[StandardContext] Reloading Context with name [foo] 
is completed", then it will trigger an unwanted, additional thread.

It sounds like it points into the right direction because the MBean related to 
the Servlet is offering e.g. information about the containers lifecycle state.

May you fix it or did you see any workaround? If you need any more details, 
please ask about. Thank you in advance for your support.

with greetings


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