
On 5/19/2017 10:10 AM, Decker, Richard M wrote:
> Mark,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mark Eggers []
>> Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 10:44 AM
>> To: Tomcat Users List <>
>> Subject: Re: Tomcat on macOS
>> Chris,
>> On 5/19/2017 7:33 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>> Israel,
>>> On 5/18/17 10:52 AM, Israel Timoteo wrote:
>>>> Any comments from the community for ...
>>>> 1) What tools is the community using for simultaneous applications
>>>> deployment on several servers, let’s say more than 20?
>>> I am using neither of these strategies, but...
>>> a. FarmWebDeployer [1]
>> Doesn't this require a cluster (and therefore multicast)? That becomes
>> challenging in a cloud environment where there's no multicast easily
>> available.
>>> b. Auto-deploy + scp
>> This would be nice with a little scripting.
>>> Why in the world are you deploying a web application to 20+
>>> macos-based servers? Or do you have a Macos client and 20+
>>> non-macos-based servers?
>>>> 4) Is JAVA_OPTS required?
>>> JAVA_OPTS is only required if you require any java opts. Do you
>>> require such options? Usually, when people set JAVA_OPTS they really
>>> want to set CATALINA_OPTS instead.
>>> Hope that helps,
>>> -chris
>>> [1]
>> What I do is use Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, and a little Groovy scripting.
>> 1. Maven with the Tomcat Maven Plugin [1]
>> The WAR file is customized (context.xml) based on the target environment.
>> 2. Jenkins
>> The build is run by Jenkins, and the build number (with a little 0 padding 
>> via a
>> Groovy script) is tacked onto the WAR name as app##0000nn.war.
> I don't mean to hijack the thread, but could you expand on this? Could you 
> please provide examples of your Groovy scripts?
>> This allows the parallel deploy feature to be used [2].
>> 3. Nexus
>> This is where all of the base artifacts are stored. Nexus 2 is used currently
>> since Nexus 3 doesn't have the REST API needed to cleanly interact with the
>> Jenkins job via a Groovy script. Maybe I should learn how to write a Nexus
>> plugin to get lists of artifact versions via REST . . .
>> 4. Groovy scripting
>> Groovy is used in Jenkins to do the following:
>> a. Query Nexus to get a list of artifact versions b. Prevent non-production
>> artifacts from landing on production platforms c. Create the final number for
>> parallel deployment
>> To expand this to multiple machines, a set of pipeline jobs could be created.
>> a. Build the customized WAR for the target environment b. Multiple jobs
>> deploy to the servers in the target environment c. Multiple jobs validate the
>> deployment d. Final job sends mail to interested parties with success / 
>> failure
>> I know that's a lot of infrastructure. There are certainly things that could 
>> be
>> done differently. Ant (with Ivy), or gradle could be used for the builds. A
>> different repository manager could be used (other than Nexus). A different
>> CI / CD system could be used (other than Jenkins).
>> Anything that meets at least the following requirements could be strung
>> together.
>> a. Reliable place to get the WAR file you need to deploy b. Reliable build
>> system that can be automated c. Build system that can deploy to Tomcat d.
>> Testing that the deployment actually worked e. Notification
>> The end result is that some authorized person can log into Jenkins, select a
>> version of an application to deploy, deploy it to the target environment,
>> know that it's been successful (or not), and have notifications automatically
>> sent out.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> doc/config/context.html#Parallel_deployment
>> . . . just my (rather lengthy) 2 cents
>> /mde/

I'll sanitize them and then send them on the list.

Please note that I currently rely on the Active Choices plugin which has
been blacklisted due to its dependency on the Scriptler plugin.

Active Choices has the security fix, but Scriptler does not. Until this
gets fixed, you have to download Active Choices from its web site, and
Scriptler from the Jenkins project Maven repository, and then manually
install the plugins into Jenkins.

In short, I don't recommend doing this on an exposed Jenkins
installation with lax security. Our Jenkins is behind a MFA VPN and the
administrative access is constrained to a few people.

Also, please note that these Groovy scripts were hacked together:

1. First exposure to Groovy
2. First exposure to writing Groovy scripts for Jenkins

They run on Jenkins 1.x, and I don't know if they run on Jenkins 2.x
(they should).

One of these days I'll get around to cleaning them up, making them
modular and not so much of a hack.

. . . just my hackish 2 cents

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