
On 5/31/2017 5:42 AM, Nicholas Cottrell wrote:
> Hi All!
> I'm having a problem setting up an existing webapp from Apache
> 2.2/Tomcat6 on a new server running Centos 7, and the following
> packages:
> httpd 2.4.6-45.el7.centos.4 tomcat.noarch
> 7.0.69-11.el7_3                 @updates tomcat-native.x86_64
> 1.1.34-1.el7                    @epel
> For debugging I have enabled AJP/1.3 and 8009 and HTTP on 8080, then
> use Apache to ProxyPass.
> With my initial configuration, data from a form POST is not available
> via request.getParameter:
> ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/ <ajp://localhost:8009/> retry=1
> acquire=3000 timeout=600 Keepalive=On ProxyPassReverse /
> ajp://localhost:8009/ <ajp://localhost:8009/>
> But changing it to this fixes everything:
> ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/ <http://localhost:8080/> retry=1
> acquire=3000 timeout=600 Keepalive=On ProxyPassReverse /
> http://localhost:8080/ <http://localhost:8080/>
> In the broken instance, request.getParameter("x") returned null, but
> request.getReader() returned bytes with "x=123" so seems that Apache
> is sending the POST body but Tomcat is not processing it correctly,
> yes?
> Please also see
> <>
> for my steps so far.
> I would prefer to switch back to AJP for the proxy, since I
> understand it is more performant, right? Should I try forcing a
> Tomcat 8 install to see if the problem persists there too?
> Best, Nic.

I wasn't aware that mod_proxy_ajp was available on a stock CentOS 7 even
with epel enabled.

If you're using the ajp protocol (it's not HTTP), then you'll need to
get mod_jk (from and build it yourself. It's not

However, the configuration is quite a bit different. Fortunately, there
is an excellent set of example configuration files in the source (see
the conf subdirectory). was shipped with CentOS 6, but does not appear to be
available with CentOS 7.

Either that - or go with mod_proxy_http and proxy to the HTTP connector
(default in server.xml is port 8080).

. . . just my two cents

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