Did you check your OS's keep alive interval and modify it if necessary?

This interval has to be more frequent than your firewall's idle connection termination timeout -- otherwise setting keepalive in mod_jk does nothing for you.

[This is alluded to in the docs. The details on setting this interval vary between OS'es.]

Jess Holle

Serlet Jean-Claude wrote:
Sorry : that 's all i thought
Hope that you don't forget to stop and restart your Apache server after
modifying workers.properties

_____ De : Greg Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Envoyé : mercredi 21 juin 2006 13:37
À : Serlet Jean-Claude; users@tomcat.apache.org
Objet : RE: Mod_jk/firewall configuration problems

I didn't have socket_keepalive set.  But I added it and still have the same

>From my httpd.conf:

JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log

JkLogLevel debug

# Just like workers.properties but exact line is prefixed

# with JkWorkerProperty

# Minimal jk configuration

JkWorkerProperty worker.list=ajp13w

JkWorkerProperty worker.ajp13w.type=ajp13

JkWorkerProperty worker.ajp13w.host=localhost

JkWorkerProperty worker.ajp13w.port=8009 JkWorkerProperty worker.ajp13w.socket_keepalive=1
# enter the full path to the tomcat webapps directory

JkAutoAlias /opt/tomcat/webapps

# Mount 'testapp' directory. It's physical location

# is assumed to be in the /opt/tomcat/webapps/testapp

# ajp13w is a worker defined in the workers.properties

JkMount /testapp/* ajp13w

# Unmount desired static content from testapp webapp.

# This content will be served by the httpd directly.

JkUnMount /testapp/images/*.gif ajp13w

JkUnMount /testapp/images/*.jpg ajp13w

-- Greg


From: Serlet Jean-Claude [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 2:35 AM
To: Greg Allen; users@tomcat.apache.org
Subject: RE: Mod_jk/firewall configuration problems

Please give the configuration of your workers : the workers.properties.file

Have you set worker.yourworker.socket_keepalive=1 in it ?



De : Greg Allen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Envoyé : mardi 20 juin 2006 16:42
À : users@tomcat.apache.org
Objet : Mod_jk/firewall configuration problems

I am having a problem with mod_jk.so. I have apache set up as my web server,
forwarding my jsp
traffic to a tomcat server running on the same machine.

This setup works fine when the client is inside of my firewall. However,
when I try to access

my site from outside the firewall, mod_jk does not forward the traffic to
tomcat and the page
is not displayed.

My firewall is set up to forward port 80 traffic from outside to my web
server machine. This
is working, as I can get non-tomcat served pages to appear on clients
outside of the firewall.

I have attached the debugging log from mod_jk. In it you can see two
requests - the first is from outside (which fails), while the second is from inside and you can see
that it is served

I'm sure this is some sort of configuration issue. But I don't know what.
Can anyone point out what is wrong?


-- Greg

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