I trying to setup virtual hosts on tomcat 5.5. and windows.

I have added the following to server.xml

<Host name="wiki.net" appBase="c:/wiki">
      <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                directory="logs"  prefix="wiki_log." suffix=".log" 

I have added context.xml to conf/Catalina/wiki.net containing

<context path="/wiki" />

Then I have added wiki.war to C:\wiki and restarted tomcat.

Going to http://wiki.net produces nothing, http:/wiki.net/wiki produces resource not available.

I have tried changing the application name to ROOT.war and the context.xml file to ROOT.xml containing

<context path="" docBase="" />

But this still produces nothing.

How can I set up tomcat so that going to http://wiki.net runs my wiki.war?

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