On 9/12/2017 1:17 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 07/09/17 23:30, Yasser Zamani wrote:
>> Thanks for your attention.
>> Now I downloaded a fresh apache-tomcat-7.0.81-windows-x64 and chenged
>> it's connector in same way (BIO,20,20,10). I get same result, fortunately :)
>> "C:\Users\user\.IntelliJIdea2016.3\system\tomcat\Unnamed_Async-Servlet-Example_2"
>> "C:\Users\user\Downloads\apache-tomcat-7.0.81-windows-x64-IJ\apache-tomcat-7.0.81"
>> "C:\Users\user\Downloads\apache-tomcat-7.0.81-windows-x64-IJ\apache-tomcat-7.0.81\temp"
>> Using JRE_HOME:        "E:\jdk1.7.0_79"
>> INFO: Server version:        Apache Tomcat/7.0.81
>> INFO: Server built:          Aug 11 2017 10:21:27 UTC
>> INFO: Server number:
>> INFO: OS Name:               Windows 8.1
>> INFO: OS Version:            6.3
>> INFO: Architecture:          amd64
>> INFO: Java Home:             E:\jdk1.7.0_79\jre
>> INFO: JVM Version:           1.7.0_79-b15
>> INFO: JVM Vendor:            Oracle Corporation
>> C:\Users\user\.IntelliJIdea2016.3\system\tomcat\Unnamed_Async-Servlet-Example_2
>> Container MAX used threads: 10
> I see similar results.
> There looks to be things going on either in JMeter or at the network
> level I don't understand. I had to resort to drawing it out to get my
> head around what is happening.

Sorry for bothering you,

To examine if things going on either in JMeter or at the network, I 
tested same config (BIO,20,20,10) on Jetty. All 70 requests returned 
successfully and response time was ~20 seconds for all, as I expects.

Then to make myself sure, I tested same servlet but a sync one (removed 
my own thread pool and asyncStart etc) on Jetty. Average response time 
increased to 95s, as I expected.

> The first 20 requests (10 seconds) are accepted and processed by Tomcat.
> The 21st request is accepted but then the acceptor blocks waiting for
> the connection count to reduce below 20 before proceeding.

You have forgot. My configuration is maxThreads=maxConnections=20 (not 
10) and acceptCount=10. As it prints "Container MAX used threads: 10" so 
it never reaches maxThreads. So why acceptor blocks ?! I think although 
I have an async servlet and own thread pool, and although time consuming 
process (Thread.sleep) is inside my own thread pool, but Tomcat's 
container thread wrongly does not back to thread pool and fails to 
satisfy Servlet 3's async API!

> Requests 22 to 31 are placed in the accept queue. We are now 15.5s into
> the test and the first request accepted won't finish processing for
> another 4.5 seconds.
> Requests 32 to 40 are dropped since the request queue is full. We are
> now 20s into the test and the first request is about to complete
> processing. Oddly, JMeter doesn't report these as failed until some 35
> seconds later.
> Request 1 completes. This allows request 21 to proceed. The acceptor
> takes a connection from the accept queue (this appears to be FIFO).
> Request 41 enters the accept queue.
> The continues until request 10 completes, 30 starts processing and 50
> enters the accept queue.
> Next 11 completes, 41 starts processing and 51 enters the accept queue.
> This continues until 20 completes, 50 starts processing and 60 enters
> the accept queue.
> At this point there are 20 threads processing, 10 in the accept queue
> and no thread due to complete for anther 10s.
> I'd expected requests 61 to 70 to be rejected. However, 65 to 70 are
> processed. It looks like there is some sort of timeout for acceptance or
> rejection in the accept queue.
> That explains the rejected requests.

I'm not such smart to understand your analysis :) I just understand when 
my servlet is completely async, then I should not have any rejected 
requests (specially in such low load) like Jetty result. As I said, max 
Tomcat container's threads used by my APP is 10 (half of initial size 
20) so why I see rejected requests while thread pool has 10 free threads 
to accept new requests ?!

> The other question is why maxThreads is reported as it is.
> The answer is that the thread pool never grows beyond its initial size
> of 10. A request comes in, it is processed by a container thread,
> dispatched to an async thread and then the container thread is returned
> to the pool to await the next request. Tomcat is able to do this because
> the container doesn't perform any I/O on the connection once it enters
> async mode until it is dispatched back to the container. The default
> thread pool implementation cycles through the threads so the max value
> you see is 10 which is the initial size.

My config was maxThreads=20 (not 10).

Sincerely Yours,

> HTH,
> Mark
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