On 04.10.2017 07:40, Peter Kreuser wrote:

Peter Kreuser

Am 04.10.2017 um 02:44 schrieb Christopher Schultz 

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On 10/3/17 5:17 PM, Laurent Perez wrote:
I'm using apache+mod_proxy+mod_rewrite as a tomcat frontend. A
"foo" war is deployed at /foo context path under tomcat. The /foo
path is not public, apache has a rewrite rule defined as : /bar/*
rewrites internally to /foo/*.

I'm using jstl and its <c:url value="page.jsp"> for every url in my
jsps to gain the ;jsessionid from encodeURL whenever jsessionid
cookie is not yet set (1st requests)

adding to Christopher, accepting the jsessionid from the Url is a bad security 
risk (Session fixation). So you should disable that by accepting the session 
only via COOKIE via

<session-config><tracking-mode>COOKIE</tracking-mode> </session-config>
then at least this rewriting problem is gone.


Well, a cookie can also be path-specific. Which is only *one* of these issues which we are talking about, when we say "don't".

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