Thanks for the suggestions. Pulling the various suggestions so far we have:

- Frankfurt, Germany
- Paris, France
- Washington DC, USA
- Manchester, UK

With some of those locations coming with a venue provided and/or
potential for sponsorship.

My current thinking (and this is just my personal view although it is
informed by the suggestions) is:

- Frankfurt
  - possible for March (ish) 2018
  - rjung can get there easily
  - I can get there fairly cheaply

- Paris
  - possible for after Frankfurt - May? (ish) 2018
  - remm is near by
  - I can get there fairly cheaply
  - at least one session in French (so not me for that one)

- Washington
  - too far / expensive for non-US committers without significant
  - maybe wait and see what the plans are for ApacheCon in 2018 and run
    TomcatCon alongside it much like we did in Miami

- Manchester
  - possible for January 2018
  - easy for me to get to
  - asking a lot for other committers to travel so soon after London
  - maybe run it more as training / workshop (i.e. large % of hands-on)
    rather than a conference as this makes it less of an issue if it is
    just me presenting

Between the conference and the recent security issues, I've been rather
busy these last few weeks so I want to take the opportunity to catch up
a bit before starting on the planning for these events. I wanted to get
the above down on email to give folks an opportunity to provide some

Also, as previously promised, I've put some notes on the organisation
and finances for the London event on the wiki:


On 27/09/17 22:14, Mark Thomas wrote:
> All,
> TomcatCon London 2017 took place yesterday and was even more successful
> than hoped. We sold 16 tickets for a full day of content from 3 Tomcat
> committers.
> I'd like to take this opportunity to once again thank our sponsors.
> Liferay generously provided the venue - including all the associated
> organisation. This provided us with a very nice venue, removed a
> significant amount of the organisational overhead and also removed all
> of the financial risk to the PMC members organising the event.
> c2b2 generously purchased 2 tickets and contributed towards the other
> expenses (speaker travel expenses, buying a microphone so we could
> record some of the sessions, name badges, etc,).
> We were able to record 4 out of the 6 sessions and these will be
> uploaded to YouTube and linked from the Tomcat website hopefully by the
> end of the week.
> As planned, the event generated a sufficient surplus to underwrite the
> next event. With this in mind, thoughts are already turning to future
> events.
> We are looking for suggestions for possible locations for the next
> event. Please add your suggestions to this thread.
> Some points to keep in mind:
> - Events close to one or more Tomcat committters will generally have
>   lower overheads due to reduced travel costs. At this point that
>   probably means Europe if the event runs without sponsorship.
> - Sponsorship to cover speaker travel and/or to provide a venue
>   increases the options available with regard to location. I was
>   serious when I said in a previous thread that the next event could be
>   in India if a sponsor offered to provide a venue and cover speaker
>   travel.
> If you'd like to discuss sponsorship options privately, please feel free
> to contact me off-list.
> With regards to timing, the aim is to try and organise one of these
> events every couple of months. That probably means we need to start
> thinking about event N+1 and N+2 in parallel.
> I look forward to your suggestions,
> Mark
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