On 06/12/17 00:17, Jesse Schulman wrote:
> Now that 8.5.24 is released with new support for runtime SNI/SSLHostConfig
> changes (thank you Mark!) I am trying to access the AbstractEndpoint from
> our application to call these 2 new methods:
>     public void addSslHostConfig(SSLHostConfig sslHostConfig, boolean
> replace)
>     public SSLHostConfig removeSslHostConfig(String hostName)
> We have an instance of the Tomcat class from which we can do
> getConnector(), and that Connector can provide us with the
> ProtocolHandler.  With ProtocolHandler we could safely cast to
> AbstractProtocol but from there the getEndpoint method is protected.
> Is there a supported way to access the AbstractEndpoint via public methods
> if I only have the Tomcat/Connector instances available?
> Or maybe this is possible to do with JMX?  If so I would need access to the
> AbstractEndpoint directly so I can pass it my SSLHostConfig objects.

The MBean for an Endpoint has a name that looks like this:


The name part is the same as that shown in the logs. So if you see this:

06-Dec-2017 09:39:36.986 INFO [main]
org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler

then the MBean name will be:


The MBean server should be obtainable with:
Registry.getRegistry(null, null).getMBeanServer();


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