I'm looking to use some kind of combined realm where I can authenticate
(and authorize) users both using the built-in login-config and externally
using oauth.  Ideally, in both cases, I'd be able to have access to roles,
but this isn't a necessity.

You see this sort of thing a lot now, where you have the option to "login
with google" or "login with facebook" or even login using the site's own

There seems to be very little information about this out there, though, for
use in tomcat or java ee.  All queries about oauth and tomcat lead to
JASPIC.  I found this question, which is nearly my exact situation, and the
accepted solution there was indeed JASPIC:


But I can find almost no examples of how JASPIC works or what it offers
(beyond the tomcat docs), but only that it is supported in tomcat starting
with 8.5.  I can use tomcat 8.5, so that isn't a problem, but the only
example provider seems to be the one for google, and it isn't super clear
how it all works.

So I'm just looking for any guidance on what road to start down, given my
requirements.  It seems I could write my own realm, but then I'm not sure
how I'd fit in the oauth token flow.  I could use jaspic, but then I'm not
sure if I'd be able to use the regular security-constraints.  Or I could
manage all of the auth myself with various filters and sessions, but that
seems silly given the java ee machinery that's already available.

Any suggestions?


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