OK, thanks Mark, I'll try to come up with a test plan, but I'm seriously
pressed for time as this has eaten two full days.  Thanks again for the

On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 12:14 AM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 18/01/18 22:03, Robert J. Carr wrote:
> > (Bear with me as there are a lot of details; I'll try to be as clear as
> > possible)
> >
> > I've been setting up a simple application in tomcat 8.0 where some
> > resources are protected but others aren't.  I want to login using AJAX
> > instead of FORM or BASIC so I don't have any login-config specified in my
> > deployment descriptor (nor any security-roles defined).
> >
> > For testing, I have a custom form that sends login info asynchronously to
> > an unprotected login service which calls login().  On the same page as
> the
> > login form, I have a test button that makes an asynchronous request to a
> > protected resource (using a @ServletSecurity annotation).  As expected,
> > before calling login (and thus login()) I get a 403, but after doing the
> > login() I get a 200 and can see the response text.  This all works fine
> in
> > tomcat 8.0.
> >
> > However, when I try the application in tomcat 8.5, with the same server
> and
> > application config, something different happens.  I do the login and call
> > the protected resource and get the 200 as before, but now every
> subsequent
> > call to the protected resource returns a 403.  I thought maybe there was
> > something peculiar about this specific protected resource, but not the
> > case, any protected resource works the first time, but not subsequent
> times.
> >
> > To confirm what is going on, I created an unprotected resource that
> > provides auth info, and I can see after I login() it reports my username
> > and my affiliated roles (using isUserInRole() for known role names).
> And I
> > can refresh this info any number of times and it doesn't change.  But as
> > soon as I access a protected resource, twice, the unprotected auth info
> > still shows my username, but now my roles are stripped.
> >
> > Thinking there is something wrong with login(), I change to using BASIC
> and
> > run similar tests, never using the login() call, and everything works
> fine;
> > notably, I can access a protected resource more than once.
> >
> > Strangely, what I also unexpectedly noticed is now that I have BASIC
> > specified, when I do use login() things are working fine now even if I
> > never get a BASIC prompt.  So, I can access a protected resource more
> than
> > once.
> >
> > I know this sounds like a weird state issue, but I've restarted web
> > servers, browsers, deployed, undeployed, and redeployed apps dozens and
> > dozens of time.  And I even confirmed the 200 and subsequent 403 calls
> were
> > exactly the same; notably, both had the same session cookie information.
> >
> > So, if this isn't a tomcat bug, which of course I'm very hesitant to
> imply,
> > then maybe there is something that changed in the configuration that was
> > optional before but maybe isn't now?  Maybe I have to specify BASIC or
> > even if I never plan to use it?  Any other suggestions?
> Create the simplest possible test case that demonstrates this so folks
> can investigate? There are enough moving parts that trying to reproduce
> this solely from your description is likely to miss something.
> Mark
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