On 24 Jan 2018, 9:45 PM +1300, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>, wrote:
> On 23/01/18 02:57, Nitkalya (Ing) Wiriyanuparb wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm on Java 8 and Tomcat 8.5.26 (built from tag) moving from 7.0.41.
> >
> > I have a little problem with how JSSEUtil#getKeyManagers creates key
> > managers. This essentially causes Tomcat to sometimes serves an incorrect
> > server certificate chain during ServerHello.
> > -Djavax.net.debug=all gave me a clue as it printed out multiple "matching
> > alias", so I believe it's because the key manager (and key store) returned
> > from that method doesn't contain only one key. From what I see, when
> > switching to in-memory key store getKeyManagers creates a new key store of
> > the configured type, calls setKeyEntry and expects the new key store to
> > have only this one key in it.
> >
> > Note that we have our own implementation of the key store, but please bear
> > with me.
> >
> > I'm also aware of this following bit of documentation and I suspect that
> > the second sentence is very much related to my problem here. I'm also sure
> > the certificateKeyAlias is set correctly and SSLHostConfigCertificate has
> > all the expected values when I checked in debug mode.
> >
> > > The alias used for the server key and certificate in the keystore. If not
> > specified, the first key read from the keystore will be used. The order in
> > which keys are read from the keystore is implementation dependent.
> >
> > We didn't have this problem in 7.0.41 because it's doing something less
> > complex and eventually just creates a JSSEKeyManager with the expected key
> > alias with the key store as a delegate – see
> > https://github.com/apache/tomcat70/blob/TOMCAT_7_0_41/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/net/jsse/JSSESocketFactory.java#L563
> >
> > But in 8.5,
> > https://github.com/apache/tomcat85/blob/TOMCAT_8_5_26/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/net/jsse/JSSEUtil.java#L267
> > the identity comparison "ksUsed == ks" looks kind of weird to me as
> > KeyStore.getInstance (at least in Oracle Java 8) always returns a new
> > instance of KeyStore, so the checks will never be true (or will it?).
> Yes they will. As per the comment at line 255, non-PKCS#8 keystores will
> use the original key store.
> > Ideally, I'd want to find a way to get into that if block so the end state
> > is like in 7.0.41.
> >
> > As I mentioned, we have our own key store implementation and it always
> > loads all keys it's supposed to know about so reassigning "ksUsed =
> > KeyStore.getInstance..." doesn't make a difference for us – it actually
> > makes it worse as without it "ksUsed == ks" would have been true.
> And there is the problem.
> Tomcat is jumping through quite a few hoops to handle various use cases:
> - PEM encoded keys
> - keystores with multiple keys each with their own password
> That last one is the cause of most of the trouble. Key stores allow this
> but the KeyManagerFactory API doesn't. This is why we now always create
> the in-memory key store. When we do this, we can't just use JKS for the
> in-memory key store type as that creates issues like BZ 61557.
> > We technically can just modify or introduce a new key store implementation
> > to cater for Tomcat implementation – locally patching Tomcat to remove the
> > identity check would work for us as well.
> >
> > Before doing that, am I missing something obvious? is reimplementing our
> > key store the way to go here?
> I don't think you are missing anything obvious. We could look at adding
> (even more) configuration options to separately control the type and
> provider for the in-memory key store (assuming using JKS here would work
> for you) but I'm a little concerned about how complex that code is getting.
I guess that’s another option. JKS would work for us. We have our own 
implementation of in-memory key store that would also (almost) work if Tomcat 
let us pick a different key store type for the in-memory store. But that sounds 
a bit yucky as it's exposing an option for internal Tomcat implementation.

> I think I'd look at modifying your key store implementation but if that
> is a lot of work, we can explore some additional configuration options
> in Tomcat.
The current easiest workaround for us is patching Tomcat internally as 
mentioned (our application stack is pretty strict so we’re sure nothing will be 
using a different key store). But if the current Tomcat implementation is here 
to stay, I would prefer doing the right thing. I’ll discuss this with my team 
and try creating another key store type for Tomcat as well.
> Cheers,
> Mark
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