Using tomcat 8.5...

I have a web app that still uses jsp's and i'm looking into a few options
to (a) aid development and (b) reduce or eliminate the need for the JDK in
a production setup and just run a JRE.

(a) Making development easier. My project is maven based and I'd like to
run some kind of JSP precompile at build time to ensure that all jsp files
can be compiled (no typos). I've tried a bunch of examples from SO but
haven't found anything that functionally works.

(b) Along the same lines, if the solution to question a can inject the
precompiled jsp files into the WAR, and that is deployed to tomcat, my
assumption is that the JDK and thus javac would not be necessary at
runtime. Is this an accurate statement or do other elements within tomcat
require the JDK? This is assuming that all JSP's deployed to tomcat are
precompiled somehow.

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