I have a war file that defines a context.xml file, some cxf based web
services and a few other background tasks using quartz that are initialized
in a servlet context listener.

When tomcat shuts down, it appears that tomcat stops the database
connection pool before the cxf services or the quartz tasks. This causes
huge amounts of log output. I'm a bit unclear as to how to adjust/change
the shutdown order of the database pool vs the servlet listeners.

The web app's web.xml does declare a resource-ref element that points at
the jndi lookup name, but perhaps the configuration is wrong.

I have looked at https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.0-doc/jndi-resources-
howto.html#JDBC_Data_Sources and my configuration appears to be correct,
however something is still not quite right.

What am I doing wrong?

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