Additionally, many client-side Security/Anti-Virus software packages automatically remove the referer header from requests.

Markus Schönhaber wrote:
Robert Kudyba wrote:
We have our server.xml file set w/ the following entry:
Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
directory="../logs" prefix="ws_access_log." suffix=".txt"

However, there are still many log entries showing no referrers. Some are
from user spiders such as the following:
So should we assume that if there is no referrer logged than the user was
just using links within the site?

No. IMO you should first of all assume that no-one guarantees that a client is sending any referrer headers at all. Most modern browsers will do so but it is more or less easy to change their configure to not send them. And moreover, it is very easy to use a proxy the removes referrer headers from all requests - idependent of the client used or it's configuration. Because of this you can't draw any safe and definite conclusion from the absence of referrers.

That said, David's answer stands: in propably most cases, no referrer means the request was made from a bookmark or by typing the URL into the address bar and not by clicking on a link on some page (which then would be the referring page).

Wether or not the referring page was "within the site" is of no relevance.


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