I've been struggling to come to grips with Tomcat installation on Windows 
Server but I couldn't really find a clear answer. This is what I want to 

  *   Have one directory tree with all my webapps
  *   Have a tomcat installation somewhere different, like C:\Program Files
  *   run tomcat as a service
  *   be able to easily replace/update the tomcat installation
I could run the supplied installer and it created a working service. Editing 
server.xml I could make it use my intended webapps directory. So far so good 
(if I got that server.xml right) but now all lives in something like 
D:\apache-tomcat-9.0.6. Not good. The Windows service configuration has this 
path hard coded in its definition, the directory has files with installation 
specific configuration and some other live working directories also end up 
Any suggestion how to do this right? So that I can easily upgrade this to say, 
tomcat 9.0.8? For now, I'd be happy with a single Tomcat service but to be able 
to have several (on different ports of course) would be a welcome bonus.

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