
I can understand the reluctance to create and deploy the war just to change
a configuration setting - it seems so "heavyweight".

You could try a variation and have an ant target (or a shell script for that
matter) update the properties under WEB-INF from a know location that is
custom for each webapp context. Just remember  you will probably need to do
a reload on the context to make the configuration changes effective ... Or
you will need to write code that checks for resource changes periodically
and reloads them.

HTH - Richard

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Mendelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:47 AM
To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [SPAM] RE: Best Practice for properties files


Thanks for the suggestion.  I appreciate the elegance of your ant targets to
create war files targeted for each runtime environment.

The reason that I am looking for a different approach is this approach would
require me to create a new war file if the managers of the runtime
environment want to reconfigure.

I'm trying to find ways that I can put more configuration information
outside of the war file, perhaps in the context.xml or in some file that
context.xml references.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Mixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:44 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: [SPAM] RE: Best Practice for properties files

Paul, are you using the deployer application to deploy your app (e.g.

If so, then it is very easy to modify the build.xml to customize the, and any other file, and then deploy it
properly. You could even have a different ant target for each different
instance of the webapp.war file.

Here's an example of the build.xml that we setup. In this case most of the
example deals with setting the JDBC connection to the correct database.

HTH - Richard

  <!-- Deploy for development (basically customize and copy to webapps dir
  <target name="devDeploy" description="Development Deploy"

  ... <!--- note we added the "customizeContext" target in the above depends

  <!-- The target below can have anything you wish in it -->
  <!-- Customize context for web application
  <target name="customizeContext"
      description="Customizes web application context if its stored in
      <!-- Customizing ${webapp.path}/META-INF/${webapp}.xml -->
      <echo level="info">Customizing
      <move tofile="${webapp}/META-INF/context.xml_bak"
         overwrite="false" failonerror="false"/>
      <delete file="${webapp}/META-INF/context.xml"
      <echo level="info">Changing hibernate.connection.driver_class to
      <copy tofile="${webapp}/META-INF/context.xml"
              overwrite="true" failonerror="true" verbose="true">
                <filter token="" value="${}"/>
                <filter token="docbase.dir" value="${docbase.dir}"/>
                <filter token="workdir.dir" value="${workdir.dir}"/>
                <filter token="database.url" value="${database.url}"/>
                <filter token="app.username" value="${app.username}"/>
                <filter token="app.password" value="${app.password}"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Mendelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 9:46 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Best Practice for properties files

I have a fairly normal application that I am deploying on a tomcat 5.5

My application uses log4j for its internal logging and I have a file that I keep in web/WEB-INF/classes.  I also have a
regular file that I keep in web/WEB-INF.

I deploy my application to my tomcat server by placing app.war in the proper

My question is if I am running my application on 4 or 5 different tomcat
servers and toe and file needs to be set up
different on each server what is the best way to deploy and maintain those
files?  I very much want to create a single app.war file and let each system
administrator customer there properties without needing to synchronize with

Any advice is appreciated.

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