2018-07-12 18:24 GMT+03:00 Désilets, Alain <alain.desil...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca>:
>> Where is my IP address. Note that I tried also with 
>> “” and with “^.*$” to no avail.
> I should be more precise…
> When I try with “^.*$”, I get same behavior as when I didn’t have a 
> manager.xml file, ie:
>   *   Server Status: works
>   *   Manager: opens page but deploying war causes ‘This site can’t be 
> reached’
>   *   Host Manager: ‘403 Access Denied’
> And by “”, I actually meant “”. When I try that from 
> ‘localhost:8080’, all buttons result in ‘403 Access Denied’. But when I 
> access the buttons from “”, I get the same behavior as above


"localhost" name never resolves to "132."something.

> /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.5.4/bin

Why 8.5.4??? Why not the current release (8.5.32)?


> sudo sh startup.sh;

Do not run Tomcat as root!


Delete all temporary files (in the logs, temp and work directories of
Tomcat) that might now be owned by root and not writable by a regular
user and start over. Note that deploying / undeploying a web
application via Manager requires write access to the webapps, work and
maybe conf directories for the user running Tomcat java process.

>   <role rolename="manager"/>
>   <role rolename="manager-script"/>
 >  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
 >  <user username="admin" password="admin"

The Manager app in Tomcat 8.5 does not use the "manager" role.  The
last time it was used was Tomcat 6. Are you sure that you are
following a correct manual?

The "manager-script" role should be used by automated scripts only.
Granting "manager-script" and "manager-gui" to the same user means
that CSRF protection (in the Manager web application) for that user
will be ineffective.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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