On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 2:39 PM Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 09/08/18 01:06, Daniel Savard wrote:
> > Louis,
> >
> > I believe you need to understand a bit more how things are working with
> > Java and the JVM.
> Actually Daniel, it is you who needs to understand things better.
> Louis,
> Clearly, when Tomcat is started a new JVM instance is created and it
> listens on the configured JMX ports.
> The problem is that when Tomcat is stopped another JVM instance is
> created (to send the stop message to the first) and that uses the same
> configuration. Hence it tries to open the same JMX port and fails
> because it is already bound.
> If you were running from the command line, the fix would be easy. Put
> the JMX options in CATALINA_OPTS and they'd only be used on start but
> not stop. (JAVA_OPTS are used on both start and stop).
> There is also a simple fix if running as a Windows Service. The Windows
> Service wrapper is simply a renamed version Apache Common Daemon. When
> running a Java program as a Windows service there are three ways it can
> be integrated.
> 1. jvm. The Windows service wrapper starts and embedded JVM using the
> provided parameters and then calls the start method on the appropriate
> class. To stop, it calls the stop method on the appropriate class in the
> embedded jvm.
> 2. Java. The Windows service wrapper starts a separate Java process with
> the provided parameters. On stop, a second Java process is started using
> the same parameters which is expected to communicate with the first
> process and stop it.
> 3. exe. Same as 2 but any executable can be used rather than java.exe.
> You see the error you are see because you are using Java mode. Switch to
> jvm mode and all should be well.
> Finally 7.0.54 is very old. I strongly recommend an upgrade at least to
> the latest 7.0.x release is not 8.5.x/9.0.x
> Mark
One question Mark, if I use
org.apache.catalina.mbeans.JmxRemoteLifecycleListener, would that work
as JVM mode or Java mode?


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