>Has anyone ever attacked one of your web applications? There are some
>fun ways to make an application use a huge amount of memory. Just
>because the applications themselves are behaving doesn't mean that all
>the users are behaving.
>For example, do you have a max POST size set for your application? If
>not, I can send your login form a username that is so long it might
>exhaust your heap. 2147483647 characters is a LOT of characters.
>If you have a max POST size, maybe you don't filter-out PUT requests,
>and have Tomcat parsing those for you. Same problem, there.

Dear Chris,

But that's no argument for or against running more than one application per 
Tomcat: If you're not aware of such things, one may attack your other Tomcats 
in the same way because of identical configuration. Of course, if you plan to 
run a couple of applications per Tomcat, you may also plan to spread it to more 
than instance to have a fail-over or load balancing . But even if you use a 
HA-cluster with one App per cluster member: If one is able to crash the 
Application by a Request on one cluster member, this might be repeated on the 
other members without noteworthy costs.

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