Am 09.01.19 um 11:14 schrieb Mark Thomas:
> On 08/01/2019 23:51, Mason Meier wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm running Tomcat-8.5 with TLS and I've noticed substantial memory growth
>> with requests over time, to the point that if I run Tomcat in Docker and
>> make constant requests to it, Docker will kill the container due to
>> excessive memory utilization. The problem occurs with standalone Tomcat as
>> well. Over the course of millions of requests, the memory usage of the
>> Tomcat process grows continuously, seemingly without bound.
> I've behaviour like this in the past. From memory there was some caching
> in the TLS implementation at the root of most of it that could be
> controlled with some system properties.
> It may be you are seeing the same thing. Or you may have found a memory
> leak. The next step would be to use a profiler to see where the memory
> is being used.
>> I've done a fair amount of testing on AWS EC2 instances and some local
>> machines, and here are my observations:
>>   * '' seems to
>> increase memory utilization more quickly and consistently than
>> ''. The
>> JSSEImplementation doesn't cause the memory to grow in certain setups.
> Can you share some configs that demonstrate an issue and some that
> don't. That might help narrow down what is going on.
> Mark

We do also see frequent OOM memories with the latest Tomcat versions.
Free memory shrinks to a critical value. With previous versions this
behaviour was not here. However, we use a limited machine and I need to
investigate further.


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