IoC - *shudders*

Can't this be used to "inject" mass surveillance into J2E apps?  It
was curiously missing in the bullet items down the home page of
tapestry.  :p

So, you're expecting to inject dependencies into components
instantiated on a websocket?

By "the rest of the application" below, are you referring to
application code that's in tapestry, early in the chain of execution,
or code that is on/behind your websocket?

So, you're looking for some feature in tapestry that would inject some
kind of remoteable dependencies into/onto your websocket?

This is an interesting question to me .. it to ok me about 10 years,
but I created substitutes for both tapestry and HBN/Cayenne.  I found
that all the source code I needed to deploy ORM/MVC/JSON/HTML5 was
300KB.  I like being able to step through JavaScript, then step
through Java for debugging without having to negotiate etherial stubs
to far off services.

Looking forward to hearing about the resources you're trying to have
injected into your code.

Have a good one,


On 4/8/19, Christopher Dodunski <> wrote:
> Hi team,
> I have developed a web application using the Apache Tapestry framework and
> deployed on Apache Tomcat.  The application also supports WebSocket
> connections with desktop clent applications.  Following the advice of the
> Tapestry community, I included the server-side endpoint within the
> Tapestry based application, but added the below declaration to the
> AppModule configuration, which basically instructs Tapestry to ignore any
> requests to the endpoint URI, leaving Tomcat to handle the request
> instead.
>     public static void contributeIgnoredPathsFilter(Configuration<String>
> configuration) {
>         configuration.add("/websocket/.*");
>     }
> The problem is that, as with any IoC based application, my WebSocket
> endpoint relies on dependency injection to interact with the rest of the
> application (ie. injected services).  And it seems, given that Tomcat is
> left to handle WebSocket connections independent of the Tapestry
> application, endpoints get instantiated but without the injected
> dependencies.  So, of course, a null pointer exception occurs once the
> endpoint attempts to invoke a dependency method.
> Moreover, presumably Tomcat is instantiating endpoints outside of the
> Tapestry realm, meaning that any class (static) field values are not
> shared across endpoints instantiated by Tapestry itself.
> Obviously leaving Tomcat to handle these WebSocket connections independent
> of the Tapestry application isn't working.  Is there a common solution to
> what I imagine is a pretty common scenario?  I'm not aware of how to have
> Tomcat connect to an endpoint instance already instantiated within the
> Tapestry application (one potential solution).
> Thanks & regards,
> Chris.
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