On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 5:38 AM Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 10/09/2019 13:14, Herb Burnswell wrote:
> <snip/>
> > My apologies for my ignorance here, when you say 'configured on the
> > SSLHostConfig' are you saying it should NOT be in this block:
> >
> >  <snip>
> >
> > <SSLHostConfig hostName="*.example1.com">
> >
> > <Certificate certificateKeystoreType="PKCS12"
> >
>  certificateKeystoreFile="/app/config/keystore.p12"
> >                         certificateKeyAlias="example_wildcard"
> >                         certificateKeystorePassword="maskedpasswd"
> >                         truststoreFile="/app/config/truststore.p12"
> >                         truststorePassword="maskedpasswd"
> >                         type="RSA"/>
> >
> > </SSLHostConfig>
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > This is how I tried to configure it and we still receive the
> "trustAnchors
> > parameter must be non-empty" error.  Can you clarify where you mean the
> > truststore directives should be defined?
> > You need to move the trust store config from the Certificate to the
> > SSLHostConfig like this:
> > <SSLHostConfig
> >        hostName="*.example1.com"
> >        truststoreFile="/app/config/truststore.p12"
> >       truststorePassword="maskedpasswd"
> >        >
> >    <Certificate
> >            certificateKeystoreType="PKCS12"
> >            certificateKeystoreFile="/app/config/keystore.p12"
> >            certificateKeyAlias="example_wildcard"
> >            certificateKeystorePassword="maskedpasswd"
> >            type="RSA"
> >            />
> > </SSLHostConfig>
> > Mark

Thank you Mark, that appears to have done the trick.  Greatly appreciated..


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