On 01/10/2019 22:12, Barry Kimelman wrote:
> my laptop is windows 10 , 64 bit
> I am running tomcat 9.0.14. it has been running fine since I installed it,
> until today. Today for the first time in a long while I could not start
> tomcat.
> I found the following logfile
> *******************************************************
> * C:\Tomcat_9_0_14\logs\commons-daemon.2019-10-01.log *
> *******************************************************
> [2019-10-01 13:57:19] [info]  [10036] Commons Daemon procrun (
> 64-bit) started
> [2019-10-01 13:57:20] [info]  [10036] Running 'Tomcat9' Service...
> [2019-10-01 13:57:20] [info]  [ 9728] Starting service...
> [2019-10-01 13:57:20] [error] [ 9728] Failed creating Java C:\Program
> Files\Java\jre1.8.0_201\bin\server\jvm.dll
> [2019-10-01 13:57:20] [error] [ 9728] The system cannot find the path
> specified.
> [2019-10-01 13:57:21] [error] [ 9728] ServiceStart returned 1
> [2019-10-01 13:57:21] [error] [ 9728] The system cannot find the path
> specified.
> [2019-10-01 13:57:21] [info]  [10036] Run service finished.
> [2019-10-01 13:57:21] [info]  [10036] Commons Daemon procrun finished
> My JAVA_HOME environment variable = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191
>  Directory of C:\Program Files\Java
> 07/24/2019  02:47 PM    <DIR>          .
> 07/24/2019  02:47 PM    <DIR>          ..
> 01/01/2019  03:47 PM    <DIR>          jdk1.8.0_191
> 07/24/2019  06:29 AM    <DIR>          jre1.8.0_221
>                0 File(s)              0 bytes
>                4 Dir(s)  561,688,457,216 bytes free
> Under here I found 2 jvm.dll files
>    8836952    1/1/2019    3:42:28 PM  C:\Program
> Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
>    8841712   7/24/2019    6:28:25 AM  C:\Program
> Files\Java\jre1.8.0_221\bin\server\jvm.dll
> I did a recursive search under the tomcat directory looking at text files
> for "jrel1" and did not find anything.
> So far google searches have not turned up anything.
> Any ideas as to why I am having this issue ?

You've upgraded Java since you last ran Tomcat and the service can no
longer find your Java installation.

Run tomcat9w.exe, and update the Java config to point to your preferred JRE.


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