Could somebody at least point me to the best place to wire in site-level per-resource redirects in embedded Tomcat? I can create a solution, I just need to know where it is best to start.



On 10/11/2019 11:06 AM, Garret Wilson wrote:
This is a question for Tomcat experts before I get started implementing a new feature.

Let's say I'm embedding Tomcat to serve static files. At the time of creation I know that certain paths, such as `foo/bar.txt`, should redirect to other paths, such as `some/other.txt`. What's the best way to configure Tomcat to do those redirects? I'm comfortable with extending the source code.

Here are a couple of ideas that come to mind:

 * I could create a redirect servlet and map different instances of it
   to different targets in the context when I configure everything. But
   in Tomcat's routing engine, is the most efficient way to do things?
   (I assume that the servlet mappings can be placed "over" the default
   servlet's path space, that is, cherry-pick paths for redirection,
   falling back to the default file-serving servlet for non-redirect
 * I thought of patching into the default file servlet, overriding
   `org.apache.catalina.WebResource`, and creating virtual
   `RedirectResource` resources that don't correspond to any physical
   file. However it's not obvious to me where I would create a
   redirect. Maybe throw some redirect exception inside
   `WebResource.getInputStream()`? (This is probably not correct. I'm
   just brainstorming. The idea is sound if I knew where to put it.)
 * Should I install a configured rewrite valve when I'm setting up
   embedded Tomcat?
 * Is there some other routing logic in Tomcat I could tap into most
   efficiently, providing a known set of redirects?

Thanks for any guidance. I'm want to figure out the best way to attack this before getting very deep in an implementation.


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