On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 3:52 AM Jäkel, Guido <g.jae...@dnb.de> wrote:
> Dear all,
> some time ago, I also need to pass JXM through a tunneled connection (using 
> STunnel). The Problem with JMX via RMI is that here is more than one 
> connection and involved in the handshake is an IP address that is different 
> on both ends of the tunnel. A solution was to use an alternative transport 
> layer named JMXMP because this need only one connection.
> You may use my notes on https://github.com/gjaekel/jmxmp-lifecycle-listener 
> as a starting point.
> One have to provide additionals JARS, on Tomcat to $CATALINA_HOME/lib. Then 
> one have to compile and install an additional listener
>         <Listener 
> className="javax.management.remote.extension.JMXMPLifecycleListener" 
> port="5555" />
> The client also must be "undergrid" with an additional library, e.g.
>         visualvm --cp:a jmxremote_optional.jar
> and the connection URL must use the alternative protocol
>         service:jmx:jmxmp://<remote_server>:<port>
> with greetings
> Guido

Thanks for the pointers. I will look into this soon.


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