
Lopez Jarillo, Cesar schrieb:
> Hello all,
> I'm installing mod_jk.so version 1.2.14 on Apache 2.0.55 (Solaris 8 OS). I've 
> compiled the source code

You should definitely not use 1.2.14. For example have a look at


If you need the module today you would have to compile 1.2.15, but I
strongly encourage you to wait for This is in testing now. We
only found 2 small bugs, which will be fixed. The resulting version will
most likely be and will be available for download in the next
three days (announcement on this list will follow). It will be
officially released a few days later.


> I'm having problems when I user a load balancer worker, because Apache seems 
> unable to contact with Tomcat. I the worker is not defined as a balanced 
> worker, I can connect without problems.
> I've tried to install directly a binary version, downloading it from the 
> Apache Software Fundation web page, but I can not find a version higher that 
> 1.2.6 for Apache 2. Installing the binary file, I can contact with Tomcat 
> using a load balancer worker, but as it is version 1.2.6, I can not use the 
> redirect and disabled features at the workers.properties file
> Anyone has the found same problem and has fixed it?
> Could anyone send me a compiled mod_jk.so (version as higher as possible) 
> that I can use with Apache 2 under Solaris 8?
> Thank you very much for your help
> Regards
> César

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