On 1/7/20 4:19 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

You probably "spelled" something incorrectly. It might be a
quoting/escaping issue. It might be a literal misspelling/typo.

The JMXProxyServlet shouldn't NPE like that, though.

I'll take a look and see if we can give you a better error message
than that when it happens.

Well given that (1) there's no production data at stake, (2) you don't know where this server is, (3) the test user will be removed permanently and replaced with something else once this problem is resolved, and (4) the test user will never be active if I'm not running actual tests, there's no reason to censor the curl call.

curl -k -u test:test https://localhost:8443/manager/jmxproxy?invoke=Catalina%3Atype%3DProtocolHandler%2Cport%3D8443%2Caddress%3D%22127.0.0.1%22&op=reloadSslHostConfigs

I tried it with or without quote marks around the URL; I tried it both with the user in a "-u" clause, as above, or with the user prefixing the domain. In all four cases, I get what appears to be the exact same stacktrace as before.

I can't tell any difference, other than the user, and specifying a port, between that and the "hard-coded" curl call on slide 35 of the presentation. And if I leave out the port number, I get "connection refused."

FYI, the relevant lines in tomcat-users.xml (with the actual admin user definition redacted) are:

    <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
    <role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
[line redacted]
    <user username="test" password="test" roles="manager-gui,manager-jmx"/>


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