Hello everyone! I was recently  reading this mailing list and found the 
question by  
 about currently supported   digest algorithms, looking through replies,I found 
a great presentation by Cristopher Schultz about credential security, I have  
one question though
if I have  my credentials stored in a datasource Realm with old md5 digest set 
up like this
      <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.DataSourceRealm" 
dataSourceName="jdbc/****" digest="MD5" roleNameCol="RoleName" 
userCredCol="PWD" userNameCol="UserName" userRoleTable="educ.ad_UserRoles" 
where pwd is the column name which stores md5 hash
 how do I specify column  where more secure PBKDF2   version of the  password 
(f  I want to keep old md5 as fall back option) is stored
with the more secure configuration example like this one (copied directly from 
presentation slides )

<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.DataSourceRealm"...>
 className="org.apache.catalina.realm.SecretKeyCredentialHandler" />
 algorithm="MD5" />

or do I  just need to increase the size of PWD column to fit the new pbkdf2  
hash and PWD would store either  md5 or pbkdf2 depending if user has changed 
their password or not?

  • Tomcat nested Усманов Азат Анварович

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