Ok. Thank you. Sorry for the disturbance.
Best regards,

On 22/01/2020 2:08 PM, Luis Rodríguez Fernández wrote:
Hello Léa,

mmm, this does not look like a tomcat issue. Perhaps you can find more help
to your issue in the eclipse mailing lists:

Hope it helps,


El mié., 22 ene. 2020 a las 13:10, Lmhelp1 (<lmhe...@orange.fr>) escribió:


I am using Tomcat v9.0 anddeploying war files to it.
I use Eclipse to develop the Webapps.

So, in Eclipse, I have two "Dynamic Web Projects" "dwp1" and "dwp2".
I have another Java project "jp".
Both classes of projects "dwp1" and "dwp2" need and use classes of
project "jp".

For both projects "dwp1" and "dwp2", in Eclipse "Java Build Path ->
Projects", I added the project "jp" under the "Classpath" section (there
is also a "Modulepath" section which is empty) to declare that both
projects depend on the "jp" project.

When I build "dwp1.war" and "dwp2.war", I can see, once deployed on
Tomcat, under "WEB-INF/lib/" the jar file "jp.jar".
("jp.jar" once unjared, doesn't contain a "lib" directory with the jar
file it depends on. Maybe it's normal, I don't know.)

Now, in Eclipse, I have two types of warnings:
WARNING_1 - Classpath entry /jp will not be exported or published.
Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result.
WARNING_2 - Classpath entry /jp/lib/xxx.jar will not be exported or
published. Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result.
where "xxx.jar" is a jar file in "jp/lib/".

I saw, in Eclipse, that I could apply quick fixes, I selected this is one:
"Mark the associated raw classpath entry as a publish/export dependency"
It transforms "dwp1\.classpath"like this:
<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/jp"/>
<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/jp">
      <attribute name="org.eclipse.jst.component.dependency"

I saw, in Eclipse, that I could apply quick fixes, I selected this is one:
"Exclude the associated raw classpath entry from the set of potential
publish/export dependencies"
It transforms "jp\.classpath" like this:
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/xxx.jar"/>
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/xxx.jar">
      <attribute name="org.eclipse.jst.component.nondependency" value=""/>

The quick fixes make the warnings disappear but I don't understand what
they do.
Shall I ignore these warnings, shall I apply the quick fixes or shall I
do something else?

(I don't know for how long these warnings have been here but I used to
ignore them and the Webapps worked correctly, they still do).

Thank you.
Best regards.

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