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On 7/7/20 16:50, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> I'm setting up an environment that has the potential for a large
> number of simultaneous requests coming in.   I have a basic Apache
> HTTPD with mod_jk talking to Tomcat, all on the same Amazon EC2
> instance.  From my understanding, I have the potential of maxing
> out connections at httpd, at mod_jk, and also at Tomcat.

Yes, and you'll also need enough file handles and ports available for
all that. If one client-connection requires a connection to the web
server (1 file handle, 1 port) and a connection from httpd->Tomcat (2
file handles, 2 ports), it may add up quickly.

Are you sure you need httpd at all? I assume since you are AWS that
you are using a load-balancer. What purpose does httpd serve in your

> We are looking at setting up monitors to track all of this.  But I
> don't want to reinvent the wheel if there are others who have
> created solutions for this.  Is there documentation on guidelines
> for configuring connections on all three so that they work together
> smoothly?

The golden rule applies, here, but that mostly affects you when you
have a multi-node cross-linked network like this:

httpd 1 -\  /- Tomcat 1
httpd 2 ------ Tomcat 2
httpd 3 -/  \- Tomcat 3

You have to make sure that if for some reason ALL conecctions from ALL
THREE web servers come-down on a SINGLE Tomcat node that it can handle
that number of connections. Those numbers are sometimes surprising to
people. If you have max-connections on each web server set to 200 then
each Tomcat needs to have a max-connections limit of 600, not 200.

> We are setting up load-balancing on Amazon that will launch another
> EC2 instance if one EC2 get overwhelmed.  But that is obviously
> dependent upon accurately tracking and recognizing that the EC2 is
> indeed becoming overwhelmed.  Any advice on where to start with
> this?

First, I would find ways to get httpd out of the picture. That will
significantly reduce the complexity of the situation. If httpd is
providing significant value, then it's fine to leave it there: I'm not
in a crusade to remove httpd from the world; I'm just trying to remove
unnecessary components if they aren't providing value.

It used to be that Tomcat had to be fronted by a reverse-proxy for a
number of reasons (like mod_proxy not existing, for instance. Or that
TLS performance was awful. Or that httpd could significantly improve
response-times for static-content. None of that has been true for a
long time, now.

In terms of monitoring, feel free to have a look at my Monitoring
presentation[1] which may help get you started. It talks about
monitoring Tomcat connections only, but you could use similar
techniques to monitor httpd and also EC2.

The only knowledge I have about Amazon's auto-scaling is that it
exists. I'm really hoping someone will step-up and do an ApacheCon
presentation about cloud-native deployments of Tomcat in EC2 to take
advantage of things like auto-scaling, etc. Maybe you could be the one
to do it (seriously)!

- -chris

[1] http://tomcat.apache.org/presentations.html#latest-monitoring-with-j
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - https://www.enigmail.net/


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