
I've tried to test the scenario of Arshiya Shariff:
"With a payload of 200 bytes we were able to send 20K requests/sec with 200
users from Jmeter without any memory issue . On increasing the payload to
5Kb and the number of users to 1000 in Jmeter and sending 1000 requests per
second , the heap of 20GB got filled in 2 minutes . With 200 users the
memory is cleared in the G1 mixed GC itself , but with 1000 users the
memory is not cleared in the mixed GC , it takes full GCs of 7 to 10
seconds to clear the memory. These cases were executed with maxThreads 200
in tomcat , so we tried increasing the maxThreads from 200 to 1000, but
still GC was struggling ."

My Servlet looks like this:

And the Vegeta command I issue is:

jq -ncM '{"method": "POST", "url": "https://localhost:8080/testbed/plaintext";,
"body":"payload=Some payload" | @base64, header: {"Content-Type":
["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]}}' | vegeta attack -format=json
-http2 -rate=1 -max-workers=8 -insecure -duration=3s | vegeta encode >
/tmp/http2.json; and vegeta report -type=json /tmp/http2.json | jq .

The outcome is:

  "latencies": {
    "total": 114369584,
    "mean": 38123194,
    "50th": 45737841,
    "90th": 62258803,
    "95th": 62258803,
    "99th": 62258803,
    "max": 62258803,
    "min": 6372940
  "bytes_in": {
    "total": 24,
    "mean": 8
  "bytes_out": {
    "total": 40,
    "mean": 13.333333333333334
  "earliest": "2020-09-30T12:40:15.208111926+03:00",
  "latest": "2020-09-30T12:40:17.208170426+03:00",
  "end": "2020-09-30T12:40:17.253908267+03:00",
  "duration": 2000058500,
  "wait": 45737841,
  "requests": 3,
  "rate": 1.499956126283306,
  "throughput": 0.9776144183650195,
  "success": 0.6666666666666666,
  "status_codes": {
    "0": 1,
    "200": 2
  "errors": [
    "Post \"https://localhost:8080/testbed/plaintext\": http2: server sent
GOAWAY and closed the connection; LastStreamID=3,
ErrCode=ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM, debug=\"Connection [4], Too much overhead so the
connection will be closed\""

I.e. it sends 1 POST request every second for 3 seconds and this leads to

>From my understanding on "overhead" this should happen if there are more

I am not able to decrypt TLS data in Wireshark when the client is Vegeta,
so I will try to debug it or to reproduce it with Firefox (to be able to
use Wireframe).

Any ideas why this happens ?


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