On 08/11/2020 01:33, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
> On 11/7/2020 6:56 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> Jerry,
>> On 11/6/20 19:49, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
>>> I have a relatively new environment with a standalone tomcat (8.5)
>>> running on an AWS Linux2 EC2.  I'm not using HTTPD/AJP.  Its a direct
>>> connection to port 443.  (Well technically, I have firewallD in the
>>> flow in order to route the protected port 80 to port 8080 and 443 to
>>> 8443 for TC).
>>> I am doing some stress testing on the server and failing miserably. 
>>> I am sending around 130 ajax calls in rapid succession using HTTP/2.
>>> These are all very simple small page (JSP) requests.  Not a lot of
>>> processing required. The first ~75 requests process normally.  Then
>>> everything hangs up.  In the tomcat logs I'm getting a bunch of
>>> "Timeout waiting to read data from client" exceptions.  And in the
>>> stacktrace for these exceptions, they are all occurring when I'm
>>> trying to access a parameter from the request.  Looking at the
>>> request network timing in the browser console, I see a bunch of the
>>> requests returning in typical time of a few milliseconds.  Then
>>> another large block of requests that all start returning around 4
>>> seconds, then another block that wait until 8 seconds to return. 
>>> I've tried firefox and chrome with the same results.
>>> I've been using httpd in front of TC for years.  So this is the first
>>> time I'm running TC standalone.  It is very likely I've got some
>>> parameters set horribly wrong.  But I have no clue where to start.
>>> This is not a tiny EC2, and my internet connection is not showing any
>>> signs of problems.  So I really don't think this is a
>>> performance-related problem.  The problem is very consistent and
>>> reproducible with the same counts of success/failure calls. What
>>> could be causing the "Timeout waiting to read data from client" after
>>> 75 calls, and then cause blocks of calls to wait 4 seconds, 8
>>> seconds, etc before responding?  I really need to handle more
>>> simultaneous load that this is currently allowing.
>>> Thanks in advance for the education.
>> Are you using HTTP Keepalives on your connections? Are you actually
>> re-using those connections in your test? What is your keepalive
>> timeout on your <Connector>. Actually, what is your whole <Connector>
>> configuration?
>> -chris
> Hi Chris, here are my two connector definitions from server.xml:
>     <Connector
>       port="8080"
>       protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>       connectionTimeout="20000"
>       redirectPort="443" />
>     <Connector
>       port="8443"
>       maxThreads="150"
>       connectionTimeout="20000"
>       SSLEnabled="true"
>       scheme="https"
>       secure="true"
>       clientAuth="false"
>       SSLCertificateFile="ssl/aaaaa.com/cert.pem"
>       SSLCertificateChainFile="ssl/aaaaa.com/chain.pem"
>       SSLCertificateKeyFile="ssl/aaaaa.com/privkey.pem">
>         <UpgradeProtocol
> className="org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol" />
>     </Connector>

How are you stress testing this? All on a single HTTP/2 connection or
multiple connections? With which tool?

You might want to test HTTP/1.1 requests (with and without TLS) to see
if the problem is specific to HTTP/2 or TLS as that should help narrow
down the root cause.


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