
I have changed the connector config as below, it has improved the
performance. I want to use this config to support at least 20k concurrent
requests. I have tested this config and there is a delay in the response
and noticed that it's coming from elastic search. I am trying to increase
the number of replicas for elastic search to improve the performance. Could
you please verify if the below connector config is good enough if I exclude
elastic search tuning ?

<Connector port="8080"
               connectionTimeout="1000" maxConnections="40000"
maxThreads="40000" processorCache="2000"  minSpareThreads="4000"
               redirectPort="8443" />

On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 8:12 PM Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Ayub,
> On 11/12/20 11:20, Ayub Khan wrote:
> > Chris,
> >
> > That's correct, it's just a plain static hello world page I created to
> > verify tomcat. It is served by tomcat. I have bundled this page in the
> same
> > context where the service is running. When I create load on the service
> and
> > then try to access the static hello world page browser keeps busy and
> does
> > not return the page.
> >
> > I checked the database dashboard and the monitoring charts are normal, no
> > spikes on cpu or any other resources of the database. The delay is
> > noticeable when there are more than 1000 concurrent requests from each
> of 4
> > different JMeter test instances
> That's 4000 concurrent requests. Your <Connector> only has 2000 threads,
> so only 2000 requests can be processed simultaneously.
> You have a keepalive timeout of 6 seconds (6000ms) and I'm guessing your
> load test doesn't actually use KeepAlive.
> > Why does tomcat not even serve the html page
> I think the keepalive timeout explains what you are seeing.
> Are you instructing JMeter to re-use connections and also use KeepAlive?
> What happens if you set the KeepAlive timeout to 1 second instead of 6?
> Does that improve things?
> -chris
> > On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 7:01 PM Christopher Schultz <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Ayub,
> >>
> >> On 11/12/20 10:47, Ayub Khan wrote:
> >>> Chris,
> >>>
> >>> I am using hikaricp connection pooling and the maximum pool size is set
> >> to
> >>> 100, without specifying minimum idle connections. Even during high
> load I
> >>> see there are more than 80 connections in idle state.
> >>>
> >>> I have setup debug statements to print the total time taken to complete
> >> the
> >>> request. The response time of completed call during load is around 5
> >>> seconds, the response time without load is around 400 to 500
> milliseconds
> >>
> >> That's a significant difference. Is your database server showing high
> >> CPU usage or more I/O usage during those high-load times?
> >>
> >>> During the load I cannot even access static html page
> >>
> >> Now *that* is an interesting data point.
> >>
> >> You are sure that the "static" request doesn't hit any other resources?
> >> No filter is doing anything? No logging to an external service or
> >> double-checking any security constraints in the db before serving the
> page?
> >>
> >> (And the static page is being returned by Tomcat, not nginx, right?)
> >>
> >> -chris
> >>
> >>> On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 4:59 PM Christopher Schultz <
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Ayub,
> >>>>
> >>>> On 11/11/20 16:16, Ayub Khan wrote:
> >>>>> I was load testing using the ec2 load balancer dns. I have increased
> >> the
> >>>>> connector timeout to 6000 and also gave 32gig to the JVM of tomcat. I
> >> am
> >>>>> not seeing connection timeout in nginx logs now. No errors in
> >> kernel.log
> >>>> I
> >>>>> am not seeing any errors in tomcat catalina.out.
> >>>>
> >>>> The timeouts are most likely related to the connection timeout (and
> >>>> therefore keepalive) setting. If you are proxying connections from
> nginx
> >>>> and they should be staying open, you should really never be
> experiencing
> >>>> a timeout between nginx and Tomcat.
> >>>>
> >>>>> During regular operations when the request count is between 4 to 6k
> >>>>> requests per minute the open files count for the tomcat process is
> >>>> between
> >>>>> 200 to 350. Responses from tomcat are within 5 seconds.
> >>>>
> >>>> Good.
> >>>>
> >>>>> If the requests count goes beyond 6.5 k open files slowly move up  to
> >>>> 2300
> >>>>> to 3000 and the request responses from tomcat become slow.
> >>>>
> >>>> This is pretty important, here. You are measuring two things:
> >>>>
> >>>> 1. Rise in file descriptor count
> >>>> 2. Application slowness
> >>>>
> >>>> You are assuming that #1 is causing #2. It's entirely possible that #2
> >>>> is causing #1.
> >>>>
> >>>> The real question is "why is the application slowing down". Do you see
> >>>> CPU spikes? If not, check your db connections.
> >>>>
> >>>> If your db connection pool is fully-utilized (no more available), then
> >>>> you may have lots of request processing threads sitting there waiting
> on
> >>>> db connections. You'd see a rise in incoming connections (waiting)
> which
> >>>> aren't making any progress, and the application seems to "slow down",
> >>>> and there is a snowball effect where more requests means more waiting,
> >>>> and therefore more slowness. This would manifest as sloe response
> times
> >>>> without any CPU spike.
> >>>>
> >>>> You could also have a slow database and/or some other resource such
> as a
> >>>> downstream web service.
> >>>>
> >>>> I would investigate those options before trying to prove that fds
> don't
> >>>> scale on JVM or Linux (because they likely DO scale quite well).
> >>>>
> >>>>> I am not concerned about high open files as I do not see any errors
> >>>> related
> >>>>> to open files. Only side effect of  open files going above 700 is the
> >>>>> response from tomcat is slow. I checked if this is caused from
> elastic
> >>>>> search, aws cloud watch shows elastic search response is within 5
> >>>>> milliseconds.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> what might be the reason that when the open files goes beyond 600, it
> >>>> slows
> >>>>> down the response time for tomcat. I tried with tomcat 9 and it's the
> >>>> same
> >>>>> behavior
> >>>>
> >>>> You might want to add some debug logging to your application when
> >>>> getting ready to contact e.g. a database or remote service. Something
> >> like:
> >>>>
> >>>> [timestamp] [thread-id] DEBUG Making call to X
> >>>> [timestamp] [thread-id] DEBUG Completed call to X
> >>>>
> >>>> or
> >>>>
> >>>> [timestamp] [thread-id] DEBUG Call to X took [duration]ms
> >>>>
> >>>> Then have a look at all those logs when the applications slows down
> and
> >>>> see if you can observe a significant jump in the time-to-complete
> those
> >>>> operations.
> >>>>
> >>>> Hope that helps,
> >>>> -chris
> >>>>
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