Thank you George for letting us know on 
-Dorg.bouncycastle.rsa.allow_multi_use=true" JVM option. Will explore this 
further and update the document 

Albeit reluctantly, we have given in to use BCFIPS (over PKCS12) for our key 
stores as it is the only format meeting our FIPS requirements.


-----Original Message-----
From: George Stanchev <> 
Sent: Saturday, December 5, 2020 11:17 AM
To: Tomcat Users List <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: Can Tomcat 9 be FIPS compliant without OpenSSL?


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz <>
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2020 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Can Tomcat 9 be FIPS compliant without OpenSSL?


> With the pluggability of Java's crypto interface, I seriously doubt 
> Oracle is going to certify a JCE module in the future, esp. with free 
> 3rd party solutions such as BCFIPS.

Is BC actually certified? It seems unlikely to me that a group of volunteers 
from Australia are going to bother to go through that module-certification 

GS: While the project is open sourced they had a company (Crypto Workshop) that 
earned a living through paid support and consulting. They were recently 
 And yes they are certified 
 and currently working on the next certification, expected out next year.


> I found it non-trivial and the toolsets to be very specific, and even 
> after following all instructions from several wikis and web pages I 
> kept running into issues resulting in overall failure.

Yes, the build process for OpenSSL is horrible. I have no idea why they decided 
to use Perl as their build system. On Windows? I have only tried to build the 
OpenSSL binary, not the FIPS-compliant module. Having done it on Linux (where 
it's "easy") I can say I'm glad I'm not responsible for doing it on Windows.

GS: Sadly, OpenSSL and the FIPS module built just fine. I forgot the details 
but it was the ARP or the tcnative itself that failed me. There is also a bug 
in OpenSSL or tomcat's glue code that if cacerts contain more than a certain 
number of certificates to fail the handshake with timeout 

> Also, keep in mind that OpenSSL 1.0.1 is EOLed and the FIPS module is 
> only available for that version line. OpenSSL still produces security 
> fixes to paid support subscribers (we are) but they are not available 
> for the general public. OpenSSL 3.0 will have a refreshed re-certified 
> FIPS module but it is not due until later next year, so for now 
> general public is left hanging with the last public version of 
> 1.0.1+FIPS.


This is why we can't have nice things.


> The workaround could be to use a different password based key 
> derivation function - PBKDF2. However, there is nothing in the PKCS12 
> spec that allows to encode another algorithm OID in MacData. In 
> essence, you cannot use any other algorithm other than the one defined 
> in spec which is not FIPS compliant.

And something which is ironically FIPS-compliant is to use a PEM file with no 
protection whatsoever.

GS: Well, the keys in the PEM files are still encrypted but you're right no 
protection of the overall container like in BCFKS or PKCS12


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