As per the below link, the following
features are removed from tomcat 8.5

a) Class no longer exists

b) Class no longer exists

c) Method JSSEImplementaton.getServerSockerFactory(AbstractEndpoint) no
longer exists

d) Method JSSEImplementaton.getSSLUtil(AbstractEndpoint) no longer exists

These make our upgrade from tomcat 8.0 to tomcat 8.5.x  challenging.

We have two requirements

   1. Tomcat AJP protocol receives encrypted content coming from the HTTP
   server and gives an encrypted response. (In HTTP server we have ithe
   functionality to encrypt using OpenSSL). In tomat versions, prior to 8.5
   it was possible to extend using custom classes that implement tomcat's
   ServerSocketFactory interface.
   2. Store certificates file for tomcat https in a custom keystore (an XML

How these can be achieved in tomcat 8.5? Any suggestions are appreciated.

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