
On 3/4/21 07:00, Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) wrote:
Hi Chris,

On 03.03.2021 22:33, Christopher Schultz wrote:

On 3/3/21 06:42, Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) wrote:
Hi Chris,

On 02.03.2021 17:48, Christopher Schultz wrote:

On 2/28/21 11:33, Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) wrote:

On 26.02.2021 01:52, leo wrote:
On 25 Feb 2021, at 2:47, Rony G. Flatscher (Apache) wrote:

P.S.: Have tested my implementation with Nashorn on Java 8 and it works out of 
the box!
Still, you
would need to test the implementation thoroughly yourself (stability, 
performance, resources)
would be asked to come back with feedback on each of these qualities. So stay 
tuned, will
publish a
link to the implementation with a proper Nashorn/JavaScript sample war in this 
mail thread in a

How cool is this! Let me know when you it ready, please. Thanks a lot!

O.K., had a few things I could finalize. Created two war files, 
"demoJavaScript.war" and
"demoRhino.war". The first got tested against Nashorn, the second - you guessed 
it ;) - against
Rhino (7.1.13). They are meant as little proof-of-concepts that should help you 
to get up and
running with them.

Please note that the libraries are beta, though appear to be stable. Yet, there 
may be
errors/problems in them or there may be changes coming up.

If you have feedback of any sorts, please come forward (stability, usability, 
resources, etc.).

Basically you just need to go to [1] and get the two war-files (copy to 
either javax.ScriptTagLibs.jar (for Tomcat 9 or earlier) or 
jakarta.ScriptTagLibs.jar (for Tomcat
10) which you should copy to the shared directory at $CATALINA_HOME/lib and 
restart Tomcat to get
them recognized. If you want to test with Rhino you should follow the 
directions at [1] and
copy the
mentioned two rhino jar files to the shared library directory as well.

In general you should take the time and look over that page at [1], I tried to 
remain as brief as
possible. :)

Also please do not forget that the target audience of [1] has been so far the 
Rexx community
and my
BA students who learned programming using ooRexx in a semester and with that 
knowledge should now
become able to create little web sites for their own purposes and maybe with 
some experience for
small businesses/organizations given the information at [1] as a starting point.

Of course, if there are any questions please do not hesitate and please ask 

Any source available?

Sure, sorry forgot to point that out explicitly!

You can get at it either in the ScriptTagLibs jar files from [1] (yes, in this 
case I have the
source and also the tld files in the jar for completeness as well) or from [2] 
with the appropriate
checkout strings given in the upper half.

Also, the license is AL 2.0, of course (dual licensed with the CPL 1.0 license 
in addition which the
ooRexx project uses).

Please note: currently the state is beta, it is functional and appears to be 

This is a pretty awesome effort.
Thank you!
Since you work at a university, perhaps some of your students would be 
interested in working on
the library itself and not just in being an end-user. Maybe CS students at the 
same uni though not
in your program. They could probably get credit for working on it, too.

Currently there are only BA students available, some of them with an interest 
in CS and rarely some
that have already good programming skills in Java when coming to my "business 
programming" classes.
That situation has been the main motivation for creating this tag library. 
Depending on feedback and
free time I will enhance/overhaul it.

Maybe you can find some other related university where the CS talent pool is stronger and see if you can partner with their CS department.

I just see this as a good way for students to work with other students (suppliers and users) and also to get everyone familiar with Open Open Source software.

A request: if you see something questionable, improvable or missing, please be 
so kind and let me

There is certainly room for improvements, especially through the eyes of an 
Tomcat/Servlet expert
like yourself! :) E.g., it would be nice to put the tld files into the jar and 
allow the JSPs to
refer to them without the need to copy them to WEB-INF as is possible with the 
STL ; if I knew how
to do that, I would do it as it improves usability (ran out of time to research 
that specific

Just put your .tld files in META-INF/ in your JAR file and Tomcat should detect 
them. You will
need to put those files into the web application's WEB-INF/lib directory. (I 
think... I can't
remember if Tomcat checks CATALINA_BASE/lib/*.jar for TLD files or not.)

Thank you for these pointers. Took some time to experiment with it, but it did 
not work out, neither
in CATALINA_BASE/lib nor in WEB-INF/lib. The startup-log states in either case:

     04-Mar-2021 12:15:20.624 INFO [main] 
org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.scanJars At least one
     JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for 
this logger for a
     complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. 
Skipping unneeded JARs
     during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.

Going after the TldScanner documentation/information led me to its JavaDocs, 
but also to [1] which
seems to indicate that one could define them in web.xml but can only refer to 
its WEB-INF/lib location.

As the standard tag library can do it, I went after stl's META-INF directory 
where there are a few
pointers like a file "permittedTaglibs.tld" and other tld files. However, not 
having a conceptual
overview it is currently impossible to see which parts need play together how. 
It may be the case
that for some in the know it is probably an easy task. :)

As placing the script-jsr223.tld or/and script-bsf.tld files into WEB-INF is 
probably o.k., I will
just leave it for the time being. This way it works no matter where the taglib 
is located, in
CATALINA_HOME/lib or in WEB-INF/lib. My reference group, my business 
administration students, seem
to not have a problem with it, so I follow the KISS :) principle here too...

Personally I prefer CATALINA_HOME/lib especially during the transition from Java EE 
("javax.") to
Jakarta EE ("jakarta.") for the next years: one single location where one 
copies either
"javax.ScriptTagLibs.jar" or "jakarta.ScriptTagLibs.jar" and all dependent JSPs 
work. It makes it
also simple to use Tomcat 9 or earlier for the time being and once changing to 
Tomcat 10 all the web
apps remain intact (no need to change anything) as there is a single shared 
taglib that needs to be

I pretty much avoid JSP like the plague, so I'm definitely not the best resource, here. I wrote a JSP tag library in 2000 - 2002 and it was ... interesting. But I have purged all that from my brain to make room for more useful things to me these days :)

I recommend you post a separate question to this list to get some attention to that specific question.


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