> On Apr 12, 2021, at 2:04 PM, Christopher Schultz 
> <ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> Mark,
> On 4/12/21 04:16, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> maxHttpHeaderSize only applies to Tomcat reading requests from clients. It 
>> has no impact on the headers Tomcat sends to the client.
>> Given that the issue is size dependent and the the header is missing only on 
>> the larger responses, I would guess that the Servlet is writing the header 
>> after the response has been committed in those cases and is, therefore, 
>> being lost.
>> In HTTP, headers usually come before the body. When generating a response, 
>> Tomcat will buffer the response body until either there is an explicit flush 
>> or explicit commit or the buffer is full at which point an implicit flush 
>> occurs.
>> When a flush (implicit or explicit) occurs, if the response is not committed 
>> at that point then the response is automatically committed. Committing the 
>> response == writing the response headers.
>> You typically want to ensure that the Servlet writes all the headers before 
>> it writes the response body.
>> There are alternative options:
>> 1. Use a large enough response buffer to buffer the entire response. Keep in 
>> mind you need to have enough free memory for every concurrent request to 
>> have a buffer this large whether it uses it or not.
>> 2. Servlet 4 (Tomcat 9 onwards) added support for trailer headers (see RFC 
>> 7230 section 4.4). These can be used with chunked encoding and allows header 
>> values to be written after the response body. You might want to confirm that 
>> the client you are using supports trailer headers.
> Notably the HttpClient client class provided by Java 9+ *does* support 
> trailers in the response from the server. Unfortunately, it doesn't support 
> sending trailers *to* the server, which is a shame.
> -chris

I can live with to-client only!  Now to figure out the setting.
Thanks all.

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