
I am trying to run a spring boot application with an embedded tomcat. In a 
scenario, where there is a lot of load on the service, I would like tomcat to 
refuse connections or return something like a 503 Service Unavailable. From 
what I understand, you could have this behaviour by setting maxConnections and 
and any additional connections get refused. At least this was how the old 
blocking io acceptor worked, from what I understand.

The documentation says "The maximum number of connections that the server will 
accept and process at any given time. When this number has been reached, the 
server will accept, but not process, one further connection. This additional 
connection be blocked until [...]".
However the documentation doesn't really state what happens if maxConnection+2 
connections are reached.

I tried to run my application with following settings (embedded-tomcat 9.0.45):

I created an endpoint, which just sleeps for a few seconds and returns a 
string. When I create 50 separate connection via curl instances to call that 
service I see the following behaviour with the NIO Acceptor:

  *   6 http connections are accepted immediately (maxThreads + acceptCount + 
  *   44 http connections aren't established just, but neither are they 
refused. I will call them "blocked", but different from the specification those 
are 44 blocked connections and not just 1
  *   once the first request finishes, the latest (blocked) requests gets a 
connection and is being processed (not a request from the accept-queue or one 
of the other already established connections)
  *   when there are no further blocked requests, the requests still get 
processed in last in first out order
  *   I see some timeouts after a while with this setup, depending on what 
timeouts I set on curl. The requests without an established connection timeout 
with "connect-timeout" parameter and the ones with established connections 
depending on the "max-time" parameter.

Now I have a lot of questions and I suspect some bugs, but I wanted to ask on 
this list first:

  1.  Is there a way to refuse connections, instead of blocking them?
  2.  I can't control the connect-timeout of the clients - is there a way to 
control it on the server side? (I tried to change keepAliveTimeout and 
connectionTimeout without success)
  3.  Why doesn't the specification state what happens if many more requests 
are being made than maxConnections allows for? (esp. with the behaviour being 
different among acceptors)
  4.  The processing order is troublesome - early requests get starved by 
following ones. Why is this lifo instead of fifo?
  5.  The number of accepted connections is unintuitively. Why are active 
connections with requests either being processed or being in the accept queue 
not counted as active connections (actual connections = maxConnections + 
acceptCount + maxThreads)?
  6.  What is the difference between requests in the accept queue and requests 
outside the queue, but still within the maxConnections limit?

Any insight would be appreciated. If there is anything in here, that I should 
report as bug, please let me know. I am happy to file one.

Best regards,


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