
On 28/05/2021 10:35, Mark Thomas wrote:

</not quoting anything>

No doubt that UTF-8 is the better encoding for messages and language files. And yes, my Eclipse actually does not use the version built by Ant. I use the start-tomcat.launch configuration file for starting Tomcat. Actually it only takes a startup-class name. So, it must obviously use the JARs built by Eclipse.

The trick is, that in the build.xml file, you are actually converting message files:

<!-- Convert the message files from UTF-8 to ASCII. This can be removed
after upgrading to Java 9+ as the minimum JRE and specifying the encoding when loading the ResourceBundles -->

Simple. However, you do that after having them copied. While copying, you use filtering-copy and specify ISO-8859-1 as the file's encoding:

<!-- Copy static resource files -->
<copy todir="${tomcat.classes}" encoding="ISO-8859-1">
  <filterset refid="version.filters"/>
  <fileset dir="java">
    <include name="**/*.properties"/>
    <exclude name="**/LocalStrings*.properties"/>

Should be UTF-8 now?

Back to the Eclipse. I guess there is not much difference between calling Ant from the console and using Eclipse's Ant support (Run As -> Ant build). But, how to start that with support for debugging in Eclipse (may be a dumb questing, I know)?


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