Hello, in order to improve management of our servers I would like to implement the ability to timely reload Tomcat TLS configuration so to make tomcat aware of renewed certificates

I have seen that in the manager web application I can reload TLS configuration with the Re Read button in the Re-read TLS configuration files section.

Reading documentation at


I have seen that it doesn't parse server.xml, so I guess this function is not going to load new certificates if a SSLHostConfig is added to server.xml . Right?

So my questions are:

1) has anyone tried to write something callable outside tomcat to induce it to reload certificates starting form the code in ManagerServlet.java.sslReload method?

2) if no one is aware of such a try, I guess that the shortest path would be to not reimplement the whole process but write a script that calls


Am I right ? Better suggestions?

3) However If this is not going to load new certificates  It would solve only (a certainly big) part of my problem. Is there any suggestion or starting point to implement also this feature?

TIA in advance


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