
On 12/4/21 23:06, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
I had a db connection leak in my code where an error condition would throw an exception and bypass the connection cleanup code. I found that and fixed it.  But before I found the problem, my program was overrunning the max connections and locking out.  It would take sometimes 12 hours after a reboot to go from 0 connections to max. Normal steady state connections should currently be under 50.  The ramp over several hours to max was very obvious in my numActive log.  What I'm confused about is why removeAbandoned didn't recover those connections.

When you say "recover"... what exactly do you mean?

Granted, if I write my code correctly, removeAbandoned shouldn't be necessary. The coding problem is solved now.  But apparently my understanding/configuration of removeAbandoned is not correct.

Possibly, but you didn't state your expectations.

I'd like to have that figured out in case there's a next time (which sadly there probably will be....).  Basically, with the configuration below, I'm not getting any idle connections detected and returned.  This is TC 8.5.73.  And the leak was happening on a basic request/response (no threads involved).  I requested the connection, encountered an error, and returned without closing the connection. Ideas? Thx.


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