
Il 19/01/2022 20:32, Christopher Schultz ha scritto:

On 1/19/22 10:58, Ivano Luberti wrote:
Mark, Christopher

Il 19/01/2022 15:31, Christopher Schultz ha scritto:

On 1/19/22 05:00, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 18/01/2022 23:16, Christopher Schultz wrote:

There are a bunch of parameters in SSLHostConfig which are documented[1] to be "OpenSSL Only" and "JSSE only". I thought we made it so either configuration could be used with either underlying crypto engine. Is that not true? Or is it only true if you are using JSSE with OpenSSL as the JSSE-provider??

You can configure TLS using JSSE style configuration or OpenSSL style configuration. That configuration style choice is independent of implementation.

So you can have any of:
- JSSE style config with NIO(2)+JSSE
- JSSE style config with NIO(2)+OpenSSL
- JSSE style config with APR/Native
- OpenSSL style config with NIO(2)+JSSE
- OpenSSL style config with NIO(2)+OpenSSL
- OpenSSL style config with APR/Native

What you can't do is mix JSSE configuration with OpenSSL configuration. You have to pick a single configuration style.

To slightly complicate things, some configuration settings work with JSSE or OpenSSL. What that means if you use a "JSSE only" setting then you can't also use an "OpenSSL only" setting (and vice versa).


How can we adjust the documentation to make it clear that you can choose either style of configuration, but that you have to be consistent?

Maybe two separate sections of the documentation with an introduction saying "there are two styles of config: pick one" and then remove the "JSSE Only" or "OpenSSL Only" notes on each?


I was greatly misled by that documentation when I had to study and apply it, so I agree it should be modified.

But it would make even more sense to me, if is only a matter of style, that one of the two styles is removed: we are talking about configuration not poetry: I cannot see any usefulness in having more than one way to express the same configuration

We can't remove configuration elements from a release in the way you describe. Perhaps in 10.1 as it's still in alpha-phase.

I understand your point and the rest of the reasoning.

But at least documentation should describe the situation as you do in this mail, so to better orienting the reader


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dott. Ivano Mario Luberti

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