Thank you, again! 😊

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas <> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 6:31 AM
Subject: Re: [External] Re: Customizing CorsFilter

On 07/09/2022 12:22, Amit Pande wrote:
> Thank you, Mark! Will do some more research on this and see if I can leverage 
> this.
> However, are we still okay refactoring the CorsFilter for extension?

Yes, I am sure the committers will consider any such proposal.


> Thanks,
> Amit
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Thomas <>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 6:18 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [External] Re: Customizing CorsFilter
> On 07/09/2022 11:42, Amit Pande wrote:
>> Could you please share more details on "web.xml" changes and dynamic reload 
>> of applications? Some documentation link or something would be helpful. I 
>> couldn't find anything online.
> The documentation is rather sparse.
> See conf/web.xml and look at the nested WatchedResource elements.
> If a reload of a running application is triggered the following happens:
> - new requests are allowed but made to wait
> - existing requests are allowed to complete
> - the web application is stopped
> - the web application is started (picking up any new configuration)
> - any waiting new requests are allowed to proceed
> By default, any open sessions will be lost. If using the 
> StandardManager you can configure it to persist session across web 
> application (and
> Tomcat) restarts.
>> Also, wanted to check with the community - how they handle such a 
>> requirement where the CORS allowed origins can change over time -presumably 
>> infrequently but still.
>> Manual edit of web.xml and leverage the reload of apps? Or server restart? 
>> What is the best/safe way to edit the main web.xml?
> Personally, I'd just edit web.xml but I only manage my own very lightly used 
> web applications. Provided you don't have long running requests I'd recommend 
> that approach.
> For editing web.xml, if you want to be sure use a schema aware XML editor. 
> That should a) ensure it is syntactically correct and b) provide 
> auto-completion options. I normally use an IDE.
> Mark
>> Thanks,
>> Amit
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mark Thomas <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 1:37 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [External] Re: Customizing CorsFilter
>> On 07/09/2022 07:31, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>> On 06/09/2022 18:42, Amit Pande wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I am currently using the Tomcat 9.0.65 (9.x) and looking at the 
>>>> possibility of extending the 
>>>> CorsFilter<
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>>>> specially the configuration part.
>>>> I am looking at the ability to initialize the parameters of 
>>>> Tomcat's CorsFilter from a source other than "web.xml" (one under 
>>>> TOMCAT_INSTALL_DIR/conf - so that settings apply for all 
>>>> applications inside this web server). E.g., the configuration could 
>>>> a key-value data store (or a simple property file).
>>>> Hand-editing the "web.xml" could be calling for trouble if not done 
>>>> carefully. And AFAICT, there isn't any tooling/interface to allow 
>>>> easily and reliably editing the "web.xml".
>>>> Also, ability to poll the external configuration source allows 
>>>> dynamically reload the CorsFilter configuration without requiring 
>>>> the Tomcat restart. In certain product deployments, web server is 
>>>> just a part and having to restart for some configuration changes to 
>>>> take effect isn't desired, though isn't not a must-have.
>>>> I was looking for something like:
>>>> public class CustomCorsFilter extends CorsFilter {
>>>> @Override
>>>> public void init() {
>>>> // load configuration from some other persistence store // 
>>>> initialize fields from super class (which are then used in the 
>>>> actual CORS
>>>> validation) }
>>>>      @Override
>>>>        public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse 
>>>> response, FilterChain chain)
>>>>                throws IOException, ServletException {
>>>>            super.doFilter(request, response, chain);
>>>>        }
>>>> }
>>>> // Additionally, the init can be called periodically which could 
>>>> re-initialize the fields from CorsFilter class.
>>>> However, currently, the configuration fields are private and there 
>>>> are no setters.
>>>> Before I explore the option of looking for adding interface to "edit"
>>>> the web.xml, wanted to check if it's possible to update the 
>>>> CorsFilter and make some methods protected (e.g.
>>>> i
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>>>> for extension.
>>> Refactoring the CorsFilter to make it extensible is certainly an option.
>>> Some things to keep in mind:
>>> - Increasing the visibility of methods is unlikely to be 
>>> controversial
>>> - Getters and setters are preferred to non-private fields
>>> - Any changes need to be backwards compatible
>>> - Supporting dynamic reconfiguration means ensuring that any such 
>>> configuration changes are made in a thread-safe manner. Note that 
>>> the configuration could change in the middle of a request being 
>>> processed by the filter.
>>> That last point is the potentially tricky one. My concern would be 
>>> the performance impacts of any measures taken to ensure thread safety.
>> Something that occurred to me just after I pressed send was that Tomcat has 
>> a built-in, general solution to the reconfiguration problem. In a default 
>> configuration, changes to web.xml will trigger a graceful reload of the web 
>> application.
>> Mark
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