
On 8/24/22 14:15, Christopher Schultz wrote:
I haven't tried narrowing this down very much yet, but I have a situation where I'm using javax.servlet.forward.request_uri to build a URI and the string I'm pulling from there starts with TWO / characters instead of one.

This ends up breaking navigation because the browser interprets this as a protocol-relative URI instead of a host-relative URI and Bar Things happen.

Has anyone ever seen anything like this?

Tomcat 8.5.latest.

I believe I have located the source of this. I'm using mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http, and mod_proxy_balancer to front Tomcat with httpd. Here was my balancer confioguration:

<Proxy "balancer://my-balancer">
  BalancerMember http://localhost:8217/
  ProxySet stickysession=JSESSIONID|jsessionid scolonpathdelim=On

And here was an example ProxyPass directive that I tried with the Examples web app in order to determine if my application was responsible (it wasn't).

ProxyPass /examples/ balancer://my-balancer/examples/

That trivially reproduces the problem when visiting:

The problem is that my "balancer" configuration contains a trailing / character, and should have been:

  BalancerMember http://localhost:8217

(Note the missing trailing-slash.)

It's frustrating that it's so easy to make configuration errors like that.


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