Well, like taking your car into the shop.... It decided to stop failing for a while on my local machine.  Finally this morning I got it to start doing the slow load again inside Eclipse.  I suspended the thread several different times and got the same thread dump.  I'm not sure what it's doing here.  It's opening a jar, but it's trying to open a "RandomAccessFile".  With the word "random', it sounds like this could be possibly related to that JVM random noise seed.  But the 'fix' that was recommended did not have an effect unless I added the parameter incorrectly.  Does this thread dump provide any insights?

Thread [main] (Suspended)
    owns: JarResourceSet  (id=73)
    owns: StandardRoot  (id=74)
    owns: StandardContext  (id=75)
    owns: StandardHost  (id=21)
    owns: StandardEngine  (id=22)
    owns: StandardService  (id=23)
    owns: Object  (id=24)
    owns: StandardServer  (id=25)
    RandomAccessFile.open0(String, int) line: not available [native method]
    RandomAccessFile.open(String, int) line: 346
    RandomAccessFile.<init>(File, String, boolean) line: 260
    RandomAccessFile.<init>(File, String) line: 215
    ZipFile$Source.<init>(ZipFile$Source$Key, boolean) line: 1271
    ZipFile$Source.get(File, boolean) line: 1237
    ZipFile$CleanableResource.<init>(ZipFile, File, int) line: 727
    ZipFile$CleanableResource.get(ZipFile, File, int) line: 844
    JarFile(ZipFile).<init>(File, int, Charset) line: 247
    JarFile(ZipFile).<init>(File, int) line: 177
    JarFile.<init>(File, boolean, int, Runtime$Version) line: 346
    GeneratedConstructorAccessor14.newInstance(Object[]) line: not available
    DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Object[]) line: 45
    Constructor<T>.newInstance(Object...) line: 490
    Jre9Compat.jarFileNewInstance(File) line: 206
    Jre9Compat(JreCompat).jarFileNewInstance(String) line: 226
 JarResourceSet(AbstractSingleArchiveResourceSet).initInternal() line: 140
    JarResourceSet(LifecycleBase).init() line: 136
    JarResourceSet(LifecycleBase).start() line: 173
    StandardRoot.startInternal() line: 726
    StandardRoot(LifecycleBase).start() line: 183
    StandardContext.resourcesStart() line: 4885
    StandardContext.startInternal() line: 5023
    StandardContext(LifecycleBase).start() line: 183
    StandardHost(ContainerBase).addChildInternal(Container) line: 726
    StandardHost(ContainerBase).addChild(Container) line: 698
    StandardHost.addChild(Container) line: 696
    HostConfig.deployDirectory(ContextName, File) line: 1185
    HostConfig$DeployDirectory.run() line: 1933
    Executors$RunnableAdapter<T>.call() line: 515
    FutureTask<V>.run() line: 264
    InlineExecutorService.execute(Runnable) line: 75
 InlineExecutorService(AbstractExecutorService).submit(Runnable) line: 118
    HostConfig.deployDirectories(File, String[]) line: 1095
    HostConfig.deployApps() line: 477
    HostConfig.start() line: 1618
    HostConfig.lifecycleEvent(LifecycleEvent) line: 319
    StandardHost(LifecycleBase).fireLifecycleEvent(String, Object) line: 123     StandardHost(LifecycleBase).setStateInternal(LifecycleState, Object, boolean) line: 423
    StandardHost(LifecycleBase).setState(LifecycleState) line: 366
    StandardHost(ContainerBase).startInternal() line: 946
    StandardHost.startInternal() line: 835
    StandardHost(LifecycleBase).start() line: 183
    ContainerBase$StartChild.call() line: 1396
    ContainerBase$StartChild.call() line: 1386
    FutureTask<V>.run() line: 264
    InlineExecutorService.execute(Runnable) line: 75
 InlineExecutorService(AbstractExecutorService).submit(Callable<T>) line: 140
    StandardEngine(ContainerBase).startInternal() line: 919
    StandardEngine.startInternal() line: 263
    StandardEngine(LifecycleBase).start() line: 183
    StandardService.startInternal() line: 432
    StandardService(LifecycleBase).start() line: 183
    StandardServer.startInternal() line: 927
    StandardServer(LifecycleBase).start() line: 183
    Catalina.start() line: 772
    NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not available [native method]
    NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 62
    DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 43
    Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 566
    Bootstrap.start() line: 345
    Bootstrap.main(String[]) line: 476

On 9/29/2022 4:29 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 29/09/2022 04:05, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
Hi, Mark, Thanks for the info. Getting several thread dumps is not going to be easy in this specific situation.  This problem only occurs on initial boot up of a newly-imaged linux EC2 which is built and launched automatically by the AWS autoscaling service.  By the time i can see that an image has been created and launched, get the newly assigned IP address from AWS, then go through the initialization of a puTTY session, then get the PID for tomcat, I'm pretty much out of time to try to get meaningful thread dumps. I have no doubt that the thread dump might tell us something.  But short of some major restructuring and special scaffolding to obtain useful dumps, I want to exhaust all other alternatives to find the problem prior to going down that hole.

In your initial post you stated you also observed the problem in your local Windows development environment. Take the thread dumps there.


     1) Are there any finer log levels I can turn on to get more data for initializing webapps?

     2) In general, what occurs on init of a webapp?  I know it does tld scanning of jar files.  But I'm not getting tld scan warnings. And any tld scans that do happen occur on every TC boot, right?

     3) Are the datasource pools being initialized such that there could be some database timeout wait occurring?   (Not sure why there would be db timeouts, though... the db is up and running and not approaching connection limits)

     4) Does it load/cache every jar file in the lib folder on init

     5) Does it perhaps precompile all of the JSPs and cache them somewhere that the jvm might still have them on a TC reboot?  When it's doing slow-load, the time varies between 13 and 19 seconds, and the time appears to be correlated to the number of JSPs in the web app.

I know I'm just grasping at straws.  But hopefully I can figure out something that is causing this super long load time without having to figure out the thread-dump on system boot procedure.

Thanks again.


On 9/28/2022 11:33 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
Lots of ways. I'd try starting with the jstack tool which should be provided as part of the JDK you are using.


On 28/09/2022 17:16, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
Thanks, Mark, I'm not familiar with how to take a thread dump in TC. Can you point me to documentation on that?


On 9/28/2022 2:56 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
Take three thread dumps 5s apart during the slowness and then diff them to see what is moving and what is not.


On 28/09/2022 07:30, Thomas Hoffmann (Speed4Trade GmbH) wrote:

could the underlying hardware cause the delay?
Maybe the OS has cached some data and don’t need to read it from disk again?

Maybe you can check the IO and CPU load during startup and compare.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jerry Malcolm <techst...@malcolms.com>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. September 2022 04:54
An: users@tomcat.apache.org
Betreff: Re: Slow startup first time after reboot


Sadly, that line doesn't appear either with or without the java.security.egd
option.   That appears to be a lump sum  of 4-5 minutes for the
SecureRandom seed thing.  I'm getting a total accumulation of ~5
minutes.  But it's made up of a bunch of ~15-sec web starts. See example below.  Same two lines from Catalina.out from the first boot and a second

One other clue I've noted.  The quick boot occurs on an immediate
stop/start.  I have noticed a couple of times in Eclipse that if I stop TC and leave it stopped for a while, it goes back to the long startup. It sounds like something related to loading modules/jarFiles.  On an immediate restart the
JVM wouldn't have time to unload modules before they are needed
again.  But a new loading of some module on each web app might be what's
killing it (??)

   JVM Version:           11.0.16+8-LTS
   JVM Vendor:            Red Hat, Inc.

Auto-startup of TC on EC2 startup:

28-Sep-2022 00:15:55.612 INFO [main]
org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory Deployment
          of web application directory
[/var/domains/wridz.com/webapps/idmanager] has finished in [16,991] ms
[1 example... ~20 more like it]

28-Sep-2022 00:18:40.818 INFO [main]
org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [306666]

Reboot of TC

28-Sep-2022 02:28:45.854 INFO [main]
org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDirectory Deployment
         of web application directory
[/var/domains/wridz.com/webapps/idmanager] has finished in [737] ms [1
example... ~20 more like it]

28-Sep-2022 02:28:51.476 INFO [main]
org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [19795]

On 9/27/2022 8:32 PM, Neil Aggarwal wrote:
Are there perhaps
some log levels I could change that would provide more detailed
information about what step it's hung up on for loading these web apps?
I just tested this on a dev sever.
I removed the java.security.egd option and rebooted my server.

Once I waited for Tomcat to finish starting up, catalina.out had this line:
WARNING [main]
Creation of SecureRandom instance for session ID generation using
[SHA1PRNG] took [222,741] milliseconds.

Check if your log has something similar.

Thank you,

Neil Aggarwal, (972) 834-1565, http://www.propfinancing.com We offer
30 year loans on single family houses!

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